Round Table of the Project's "Graal"
"Lao Tzu: Intelligent control appears as uncontrol or freedom. And for that reason it is genuinely intelligent control. Unintelligent control appears as external domination. And for that reason it is really unintelligent control. Intelligent control exerts influence without appearing to do so. Unintelligent control tries to influence by making a show of force".
(most quotations from A. Lloyd after K. Kelly's book “Out of Control”)
Basic Olicognograph: Contract Rights & Duties Matrix
God Damn Messy Table!
"Principles of Biospherics: When creating (or destroying) a biosphere remember that:
- Microorganisms do most of the work."They invert destructive trend of entropy"[and you use that for not making too hard to rebuild],
- Soil is an organism, it is alive, It breathes and drinks and shits [and makes all that useful meanwhile with chemistry you make waste harder to treat],
- Make food webs redundant". [be smart: stay weak and humble to find wiser pathways],
- If human recycle but do not waste [since you pretend to know better but do worse],
- Increase diversity,
- If you can't provide a physical function, you need to simulate it, Imitate without being ashamed if for good,"
- The atmosphere communicates the state of the whole system,"
- Between humans communications is not directly information," [proceed safely: critical]
- Listen to the system, see where it wants to go,"
- Well ... but ... you must stop also before the teeth or the blood,
- The parties in a symbiosis don't have to be symmetrical or even at parity, (biologists have found that almost all symbiotic alliances in nature entail a greater advantage for one party, in effect some hint of parasitism, in every codependency)".
- If equality does not exist invent it for somethings
Farmer proposed a list of traits that defined life:
- "Patterns in space and time
- Self-reproduction
- Information storage of its self-representation (genes)
- Metabolism, to keep the pattern persisting
- Functional interactions: it does stuff ,
- Interdependence of parts, or the ability to die
- Stability under perturbations
- Ability to evolve".
There are moments for setting priorities and decisions. Complex issues for society, starting, ending and periodically renewing involvement of communities, legitimacy, participation to ground processes needs to coincide with democratic mechanisms. Sometimes these are symbolic moments. Moments of interactions and interface also start at 3 valued systems, say at the minimum the 2 means and an interface, a platfom or transductions: devices given at the margin of 2 mediums, as a limit case; where to think about something consistent: decision, differences of transmissions. Interface often thicker than imagined in a cutting process, for which synthesis are done, comprehension operate and lessons or commitment assumed with the feeling to be choice.
"Benefits of Swarm Systems:
- Adaptable,
- Evolvable,
- Resilient,
- Boundless,
- Novelty.
Apparent Disadvantages of Swarm Systems,
- Nonoptimal,
- Noncontrollable,
- Nonpredictable,
- Nonimmediate".
There are psychologic difficulties of methods of synthesis. Especially when powers struggle for influence. Interests intermediate when common and / or when methods are not logically shared by different partners. When setting value the ambition is, as far as possible, that the synthesis be summerized as a simple and unique expression of value. This is hard if issues are risky, heterogenous, mixed and with complicated expressions of values. Of course one can think that money expression of value grounds the most universal expression of it: commonly in international money, because so supposed to be more open to market automatic regulations. This misses not even the complexity of values of constructions of wise intangible but also the variable definitions or comparisons meaningful to people. This also mises the variable degrees of proper monetary expressions. Complicated processes of imported / non imported, tradable / not tradable issues follows, often missing to involve participation. Goods and services in many sets composing projects have variably able to be expressed in money amounts, and this variability makes also economic sense.
Messy Message on Complex Reality
"Self-organizing systems or, how organizations bootstraps themselves to life, established cybernetics as the study of the functions and processes of systems which participate either in circular, eihter in causal chains that move since actions to sensing to comparison with desired goal, and again to action" Frame helps your infrastructures projected complex systems. It is possible to make like complex behaviors with simple rules: discover and report in collective mass intelligence best places for humane investments. Meaning by this that complex behaviors are most common reality, so why simplification or lack or care of complexity should have the lead of rules ? and unhelping to be sure of yourself nor care of others.
"By compounding emphasis, favorite sites get more visitors, thus increasing further visitors. As per the law of increasing returns, them that has get more votes, the have-nots get less. Gradually, one large, snowballing finale dominates the dance-off. The biggest crowd wins. It's an election hall of idiots, for idiots, and by idiots, and it works marvelously. This is the true nature of democracy and of all distributed governance. It behaves as a unitary whole, maintaining its identity in space, resisting dissolution...neither a thing nor a concept, but a continual flux or process". Try intelligence, not against the process or the democracy but with what you can do for everyone, with what you have to do, not what you have to say, which hardly inform."
"There can be no preset orders, just a virtual mirror. simulator entails long delays in feedback from levers to effects. The mob decides in unison, without lateral communication, like a flock self- consciously. They responded to an overview of themselves. The flock is more than the sum. The flocking rules were discovered by Reynolds. By tuning the various forces in his simple equation a little more cohesion, a little less lag time" and there you have very complex patterns. Care behaving individually and together for all. Do not put you order overall, but your care when distant to them all, and close to all that. The wise will be reminded by its silences, if things done by everyone unexpectedly."
"Highly complex thinking systems may have preset as well as postset orders. Not the one established by anyone. How common information pathways reproduce what we are adapt to what we do. Let what we do be good and show strong adaptation, in our skill to catch good sustainability in humane way. After that may be we will talk of more specific things of our interest if this does not seems to harm anyone."
"There are 4 distinct facets of distributed being that supply vivisystems their character. Adapted to higher coordinated systems:
- The absence of imposed centralized control". Not so: anyone are here because so. We may show only one common purpose: maintain the essential highest level of self-complexity). At macro-meso level it looks like control. At micro-level it should be no centralized control. Just sharing of common processes of liability.
- The autonomous nature of subunits". Driven but the common purpose. Their are specified for being mostly autonomous on basic sustaining functions, while coordinated for emergence of global coordinating property.
- The high connectivity between the subunits. Better the complex program: overall few main options (not just one, or at least modulated and plenty of sensible connexions.
- The webby nonlinear causality of peers influencing peers.
- Humans pretending also to need humane influencing virtualities, for looking at deeper ressources."
"Emergent properties within the superorganism superseding the resident properties of the collective.
- The emergent step, though it may seem more or less saltatory (a leap), can be regarded as a qualitative change of direction, or critical turning-point, in the course of events.
- At a high level of connectivity, and a high number of members, the dynamics of mobs takes hold. Have a careful look at local issues.
- Parallel distributed computing excels in perception, visualization, and simulation.
- Parallelism handles complexity better than traditional supercomputers made of one huge, incredibly fast serial computer.
- But in a parallel supercomputer with a sparse, distributed memory, the distinction between memory and processing fades.
- Processes reproduce, creating or recreating.
- From one hill to another: jumping; rather than running alone all along the valley between.
- Jumping, just at least let some good information, material or energy, from one valley to another, may be different effects. Why not ?"
"Our consciousness creates the present, just as it recreates the past, from many distributed clues scattered in our mind. Mind may have never before seen such, but it compiles all the associations creating the visual image. The act of perceiving and the act of remembering are same. Both assemble an emergent wholeness from many distributed pieces. In a sparse distributed network, memory is a type of perception. But because of the nonlinear nature of a network, when it does fail we can expect glitches". Be the infrastructuring frames accessible, scale but not forcing, allowing right mass flows. If rightness exists is another solved story: we pretend it a built memory.
"2 poles of the organization of moreness exist, only in theory because all systems in real life are mixtures of these two extremes. Some large systems lean to the sequential model (the factory); others lean to the web model (the telephone system). Whereas the Atom represents clean simplicity, the Net channels the messy power of complexity". The real network signifies the needed individuality within crowd either the needed gregarity for individuals. "Model of how complex organisms of any type work:
- Incremental construction, grow complexity, don't install it,
- Tight coupling of sensors to actuators, reflexes, not thinking,
- Modular independent layers, the system decomposes into viable subunits,
- Decentralized control, no central planning
- Sparse communication, watch results in the world, not wires.
"Organization that holds a genuine plurality of shapes is the grand mesh. In fact, a plurality of truly divergent components can only remain coherent in a network. No other arrangement -- chain, pyramid, tree, circle, hub; can contain true diversity working as a whole". Distributed control has to be grown from simple local control. Complexity must be grown from simple functions that already work.
Think also to Braess's Paradox: adding routes (street roads) to an already congested network may only slow it down". "Increasing the gain, the responsivity,of individual neurons did not increase their individual signal detection performance, but it did increase the performance of the whole network to detect signals": these are pieces of networks economics."
You May Try
Create innovation:
- "If you have a Complex Mind intent to do simple things first". If you have simple mind try to cope with complexities,
- Learn to do complex things flawlessly. Learn by varying simple things.
- Add new layers of activity over the results of the simple tasks. Clean and simplify up preserving involvement.
- Respect the simple things that worked for all and change yours simple things, preserving dignity appearances.
- Make the new layer works" almost the same but make it useful for future situations.
- Repeat, no further" than you can, go on for all, end when overall do not need more then recreate.
Methodologically review synthesis can look at:
- The lessons of synthesis, reductions or abstracts,
- Input them in contextual feasibiity,
- Broad to real situations and complex understanding,
- Examine the advances of actions, activities of the program,
- Requalify these activities, actions and may be the program,
- Switch levels, allow improvments, support achievments
- Set landmarks for future activities, connexities and synergies,
- Clean, reshape or restructure up to satisfaction,
- Program next review, set soon questions of next meeting,
- Complete information and communications on the moment.
Olicognographic proposal suggests to frame such moments according geometric logics as for open or closed table; balance arbitrations, judge parts; integrate differentiations or confusions. Fuzzy of blurred reality makes you will never succeed to control everything when meeting, that is not in the interest of democracy. So prepare enough discrepancies, critical thinking and help everyones share knowledge to strengthen essential issues assumed. Think that good documentation can achieve the moment. Olicognograph of shared assessment of project suggests that 3 perspectives should meet. Could be enterprise - community and authorities. Remind that more modest projects should confuse roles and perspective, making harder to have critical synthesis, if people lack of sense of complexity and of positive care of community.
Perfect technocratic assessment despite awared of the weakness of too rigid frameworks, quest at any of your costs its Holy Graal and miss the essential of social dilution compensed by individual commitments to the quality of common fate, as a shared project. Prospect of synthesis should include:
- Visioning ,
- Innovative thinking,
- Approaches to include and engage community,
- The ability to vision community's future state and its dimensions,
- The ability to articulate vision and get buy in from a wide variety of people,
- Imagine a future state and the implications to get there.
"9 rules:
- Distribute being,
- Control from the bottom up,
- Cultivate increasing returns,
- Grow by chunking,
- Maximize the fringes,
- Honor your errors,
- Pursue no optima; have multiple goals,
- Seek persistent disequilibrium,
- Change changes itself".
Humane perspective may consider that analytical problems are about persons you have to help and problems you care all together. By caring their problems, not to pretend just to solve instead them. So, when sharing perspectives across disciplines, as required by complex problems, you may help yourselves by using self-similar pieces of analytic structure; that can be robust enough to cover complexity with everyone in the community, as well as satisfy the essential purposes of social life. Self-similar pieces can be carried along scales from one register to another to approach solutions. These pieces turn undifferentiated or elements turning ingredient in the local shaping of a suggestive management—in other words: to help the administration of lived pictures of knowledge. Think about a contract frame as well to fixe some ideas and explore some relations.
Further comments are about the olicognograph related to this web page.
When you develop the logical field of some kind of method, you often combine principles, advantages, and inconveniences of approximate methods. Previously (ex ante) you fulfill more or less a conceptual field (of hypothesis) generally using means or some other truth, negociate your points, make consensus. When making an analysis you should have a purpose. When practicing you have a theoretical goal. That is your need to cross registers.
The substantial part of a contract appears as rights of one corresponding to duties of the other and vice versa. Equilibrium, even abstract, is clear. In practice, you will make it explicitly, even if the exchange is asymmetric. With solidarity, things care not to see asymmetry only as a one sided generosity or weighted according to beneficiaries. Remind the real part of you, with its material needs, since what you often provide is not financed by you but coming contributions other people contributions. Whatever the sort of contract between parts, any deserves precisions and mechanisms to balance exchange {if not trade). Even if some return or payment is an abstract term (as a thank you) in many cases it is better to show that this is an exchange, a deal, not a submission.
Substantial axis, made of the direct elements in correspondence of a contract can be said direct or special or specified part. It is the practical reason of a crossed matrix to show the material elements of a deal and their links and references. I often call it the minor axis because the other transversal one crosses more general values, social ones that we prefer to call the transcendental axis since they are made more of virtual concept say the theoretical rights you use for the exchange and the duties or reasons for which you act so (wealth, development, environmental care, etc.).
When both parts have rights, the corresponding sector is where, for example, elements like public services and legal allowances (or taxes) can appear. It is also the place where there appear the due social rules used in the transaction (like fairness). Many other abstract concepts turn effective in there. For example, here there can appear the freedom of enterprise, the right to associate or to exchange, etc. When both parts have duties, this is where there is the compromise toward community or society as fiscal obligations. Duties of simple humanity are also here. Do not negotiate a contract that can affect human conditions or humanitarian priorities, that is, in economics terms have externalities that are not or cannot be compensated: a sacrifice should be freely accepted or very democratically shared as essential to the identity of your community and not human rights abusing.