Social Buildings Culture & Sports
Basic Olicognograph: Social Infrastructures
Social EcoGeography
Divorced modernity : "M. reviews several diagnostic metaphors that “have been proposed to explain the ecologically disastrous split - the pathological alienation - between human consciousness and the rest of the biosphere, including: 1) S.’s “ontogenetic crippling” and R. “repression of the ecological unconscious.” 2) B.’s claims “that the human species has become ‘autistic’ in relationship to the natural world 'due to “Descartes’s invention of the mechanistic worldview". 3. L.’s & G.’s “addiction” model which identifies so humankind’s environmentally destructive behaviour as addiction to consumerism or technology. 4. D.’s “collective amnesia” hypothesis, forgotten what it “once knew and practiced.” 5. V.’s “traumatic amnesia” thesis have led “to almost total amnesia and permanent fear and insecurity among humans.” 6. H’s “neo-dissociationist” theory of “a ‘vertical’ separation of strands of consciousness”. (Hibbart).
Principles for ecopsychology: 1) The Earth is a living system. 2) Human beings, their products and cultures are crucial parts of these systems. 3) Ecological consciousness is an essential path to sanity. 4) Time of evolution is informed construction 5) Human an organism which 'psyche' questions the sense of self preservation co-evolved with earth’s life. 6) Ecological intelligence should produce sponaneous care using deep reservoir of knowledge of human - Earth good relations. 7) Inherent sense of environmental reciprocity can evidence sustainable opportunities 8) Recreate the ecological ego can make industrial sense. 9) The health of the entire system and all its parts requires sustainable and nurtures mutual whole care of relationships. 10). “Ethical responsibility with the planet should turn vividly experience into the fabric of social relations and political decisions 11) Compulsive industrial - energetic - destocking humans to dominate nature are mistaking.12) Healthy self-human development must include interconnectedness and interdependence of human aspect and non human proprietary aspects of the World. 13) Small scale social forms and personal empowerment should nourish the ecological ego whereas large-scale suppression of personhood undermines the sense of humane universal ecological responsibility.14) The needs of the planet are the needs of the person, the rights of the person are the duties of everyone; the duties of the persons are the right of Nature".
Planning of Social Architectural Issues:
"1) Must consider relations and processes: human objects temporallity and forms sustainability. Such 'compact cities', 'urban villages' or 'multi-functional zones' leading to particular social and cultural behaviours needs to demonstrate a relational dynamics affecting at the minimum universal biosphere. To avoid 'sprawl' and inevitable decays of natural renewal.
2) Planning practices must stress the multiple meanings of space and time with careful attention to the representation of policies and projects in map form, and the expression of time renewable constructions. Where 2-dimensional representation and fixed time periods are used clarity is needed with respect to whose climax space and time and human generation expected life. Project appraisal and policy development need explicit humane-distance recognition of range of spatialities and temporalities in ecosytems in which inserted.
3) Represent places as multiple layers of relational assets and resources, generating distinctive anthropo-geometry of places even if priorizing one human artifice of space and time (e.g. geostations, grids, networks, etc.). So undermining other, equally important, powerful interests. "The multiple layering is thus neither neutral nor value-free. The rich, multiple time-space fabrics of dynamic urban environments need to be carefully nurtured through fostering the development of relational exchanges across the layers, reducing the blockages and exclusionary practices".
4) In this multiplex world, planning practice should recognise how the relations within and between the layers of the power geometries of place are actively preventing the power of agency to distort communication and interpretations. This focuses attention on conflicts remediation and consensus-building mutual understanding of precautions. It also emphasises the importance of recognising the many value systems not oversizing principle care".
Social Places Planning
"Systems become more complex as they accumulate interactions. In a system where interactions take place between objects, and grows as a power of the number of objects, then complexity increases according to this power law. However what critical thinking is all about is identifying thresholds and limits to such increasing complexity. Systems do not have undifferentiated complexity as they grow; they add links and they optimise selectively. As the network becomes more and more connected, then more and more paths of different lengths exist. As the threshold is reached, paths of different lengths exist on all scales. That is, that the relationship between the number and length of paths decreases according to a power law which is the hallmark of scaling. At this point the system is fractal but beyond the threshold, the frequency distribution becomes degenerate in that when the graph is denselly connected, many path lengths look like each other – and thus the distribution is scaling between an inverse power and uniform law. As an intermediate energetic it is never just uniform neither unlimitedly connecting: with the ressources of its environment it oscillates (somehow regularly when mechanized by strange attractors). This kind of characteristic essentially implies that at the point of criticality – at the threshold –is the complex system is more unstable. Before that point it has less order but beyond that point it is catching disordering in a different way".
"Growing concern for the future of cities and for the well being of city dwellers, stimulated by trends in world urbanization, the increasing number and size of cities, and the deterioration of many urban environments, has focused attention on the problems of living in the city. Central to this concern is the relationship between people and their everyday living environments or life spaces. Understanding the nature of the person-environment relationship is a quintessential geographical problem. In the context of the built environment this can be interpreted as a concern with the degree of congruence or dissonance between city dwellers and their urban surroundings, or the degree to which a city satisfies the physical and psychological needs and wants of its citizens. Geographical investigations of urban quality-of-life have been undertaken from two main perspectives. The first studies cities as 'points in space', while the second focuses on living conditions within cities. Study of urban quality of life has often theorized on deprivation".
"Identifying 5 of such theories of social deprivation: 1) Culture of poverty 2) Transmitted deprivation (cycle of deprivation) 3) Institutional malfunctioning 4) Maldistribution of resources and opportunities 5) Structural class conflict". Whatever the focus or theory, a broad sense of policy will consist in planning participatively a humanization of social place, when not directly as a process of economical transformations of anthropized space.
Social Places
Community Activity Centers: Community facilities have 2 broad categories: specialized and consolidated. Specialized facilities are oriented to the needs of a single program. Consolidated facilities are designed to accommodate multiple, coordinated programs. Furher these consolidated centers are divided into 2 types: 1) Main ones often located together with facilities such as the main exchange, commissary, other post-wide commercial and community service facilities. 2) Local ones serve individual housing or population areas can be at families' proximity: focus for the local neighborhood within walking distance, and neighborhood-scale leisure.They are for example: faith practice and philosophy education facilities, psychologic and health services, discapacities and special care facilities, music and drama clubs, auto arts & crafts centers, physical fitness facilities recreation centers, dependent youth activity centers, child development service facilities outdoor sports facilities, outdoor recreation facilities.
Children care center: design must meet the needs of children, caregivers, administrators, and parents performing the following functions: 1) Support the staff’s care and nurture of children. 2) Provide features that encourage positive relationships. 3) Accommodates the needs of staff. 3) Facilitate family involvement in the center. 4) Respond to local conditions, climate, and regional preferences. 5) Create a safe environment for both children and staff. 6) Be inviting and feel "home-like" for the child. 7) Accommodate space at child’s scale to see and experience. 8) Provide an intriguing environment, but one devoid of overpowering strangeness or inhibit their creativity. 9) Size the child activity rooms to group sizes and staff-to-child supervision ratios. 10) Provide durable and cost effective materials and details, sensitive to the life cycle cost of materials. 11) Functional in a cost effective manner. 12) Provide for flexibility as the installations’ demographic needs change".
Youth centers optional spaces can include the following: "1) Multipurpose Room, 2) Kitchen, 3) Music Room(s), 4) Additional Parent Waiting (in addition to the waiting area in the lobby). 5) Laundry Room. 6) Computer and communication Rooms 7) Youth Program Outdoor Activity Area; 8) Toilets, 9) Rest Room, 10) Outdoor Open Area (large play area)". Administration areas can be: "1) Lobby, 2) Check-in, 3) Staff Offices, 4) Staff Workstations, 5) Break/Staff Training Room, 6) Copy/file Room, 7) Storage, 8) Communications Room, 9) Staff closet and 10) Administrative Site Support (including staff and patron parking, dropoff/ bus drive, and service drive)".
"Permanent Music and Drama Center projects will in most cases be designed as non-repetitive facilities. Technical and functional quality is essential to a design at the outset, while attractiveness, economy and low maintenance are of long-range importance to operating. Prescriptive specification states vital dimensions, properties and materials in a way that completely defines acceptable products and assemblies. General and secondary criteria can often be best stated as performance requirements without rigidly specifying how they are to be achieved. Major divisions are 1) The Room: The stage and audience seating 2) Backstage: Performer/production facilities 3) Front End: Lobby and audience facilities".
"Police buildings mixes architectural constraints of access and contention. Including common administrative facilities (where victims need for some compassionate place, professional means have safe disposal and usability and; suspects means for constrain. Typical Support facility requirements are: 1) Parkings: parkings, turning, pass-thru, fencing, lighting and signage, 2) Operation and visitors space: guardmount / secure private parking, impound lot, operations equipment storage, drop-off zone, handicapped areas, service acces, 3) Open space: set-back, buffer and expansion areas, sites utilities, communications, water, sewer, fencing, gas& electric, sitework, grading, paving (sidewalk), walls, lighting, landscape & signage, 4) Access space: approach, entry, drives, walks,landscaping, lighting and signage".
For outdoor recreation facilities planning you should examine: Natural conditions. 1) Geology. 2) Soils. 3) Topography. 4) Hydrology. 5) Water surfaces and frontages. 6) Vegetation. 7) Wildlife. 8) Visual conditions. 9) Dangers and hazards. Man-made conditions: 1) Access. 2) Land use. 3) Existing structures. 4) Utilities. 5) Special interest areas. 6)Pollution. 7) Dangers and hazards. Selection of activities can be according: 1) Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan, 2) Approaches, 3) Determination of market area supply, 4) Demand - Selection of activities, 5) Carrying capacity, 6) Computation of facility needs, 9) Outdoor recreation land use. Examine especially compatibility between activities, Types of users (children, families), relationship with nearby environment, constraints and regulation of use, equipment required.