As you are and As is your will (but not too further)
Left target sectors the mental (down) and organic (up) state of a person (or a group of persons, since any event can be pointed). Right second target is the same but a projection, that is how an individual or a group project itself ahead (human "tele-anticipate"). Coherence should observe that practically the lag stay within normal limits and with normal fluctuations or turn pathologic, respect to the potential or regression of self. A recovery from any bad process: psychological crisis, neurotoxic ingestion, drug abuse and so on, restore a compatibility between both targets. You have to make them both shaped and healthy and match not exactly (you need hope) but not unwiselly.
Observe that the picture is still relative, not defined in values, the ground is normally dust. The left target may be from close past (there is a delay in any diagnostic).
Right target can be in the close future. Volume or area of target may vary. The mid-line is that of unit (1) and central area/volume the regular space for fluctuations. In excess, (more then 1) potentially an added process (illness, infection) but interacting along time with the volume (retraction or expansion). A lower excess is defect. Looking backward is relative (behind vertical line a regressive evidence (effect of a pathological process or depressive self-view - low mood & less then the unit) and a forward evidence a something more than unit production of more than unit effects say like a mental dissociation (there are others in me) or a production of delirium. So out central relatively normal target the inconvenient effects of defect or excess.
Of course the purpose of this targeting is to suggest some form of complex number mathematics allowing at the same time the use of fluctuating functions. Fluctuation are picture by the central core dotted curved lines.