Addict dual as a Person behaving and as a Human being with needs and rights: care him/her and protect everyone
Frame is structured the same way our olicognograph on organic system. With the + axis providing perspectives on addict's behavior: perceptions (low) and acts (up) like practically given by craving and dependence, judgment driven like by narcissism (right of the frame) and coordination (left side of the frame)
On the X axis there are the sustains of, pathologic, behavior of the addict(s) so as left-up side its social representations and family comorbodity (for example); right-up side the sort of anticipations could be made on his/her misbehavings, where empathy (that is understanding how) can help to to prevent further harms.
Now as entering corners, black and white cells illustrate the social issues that a policy maker or social manager can use to build an efficient policy to tackle the problem of addictions, as well as consider the limits as costs, legal issues and so on.
Now when, in the process of not applying prejudgments and more efficient prospect, so better, processes of measures you have the aids for designing policies according registers. For each case in the square of dotted line designed: 'make your program', 'set your relations', 'set your problem' and 'review your means'; so that a proper statistical register for each case, your mission may help to see more clearly what to do in a less arbitrary way.