How to Operate this Web Site (5/7)
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- "logo purpose": logo is registered. Its purpose is not only as trademark but to support the development of olicognography applied to humane sustainable development. Visual supports may have many applications and sustainability has broad sense. Sustainable development of olicognography, olicognographs and use of logo would be within the aim of social utility; like fees adapted to kinds of users for the development of humanity. Development of special information packages and types of public diffusion should manage any pieces of such process with sense of sustainability and ethics.
- "use logo": you may want to formalize your framework designed as olicognograph(s), providing us with your proposals or to use in your practice, but with the same criteria of humane sustainable development. So you may want to join the label to your frames. We will define in a proposal of ethical chart. Make your proposal, explain your uses, targeted audience, etc... and you may be authorized to use it. You may want an advise concerning your logical frames designed so, but not necesarilly within same constraints and conditions of ethical and philosophical use. This is a service we can help somehow in, be paid for, while you will not receive the right of use of the logo.
- "suggestion": concerning the logo, from there you will probably connect with ethical committee, concerning the logo, as well as any ethical related questions. Presently you can communicate more simply with the owner of the website and suggest about the evolution of moral issues to take account in this process.You may also want to use one of our designs, for some different purposes. This will not carry the logo but we are open to proposals.
want to be?
- "client": information provided has a cost, for the moment it is quite free, as well as we are openminded to proposals: we are sure that this cannot be developed alone, nor with completelly free collaboration, since there are both good will and a huge work of shaping 1) - formats of information (good technicians will all over the world and specialists also humane citizens of the world); 2) - software system development; 3) foundation of the development of social utility and care of social amenities and of externalities (and relations with other kinds of systems of information which, without special attention to basic humane development, may well be inspired by the system, but develop some more special ones for business or academic special audiences (where competitition is good, especially if balance with essential one is respected by privates.
- "collaborate": if for any good reason, you hope this process exists (out the portfolio of one multidisciplinarian), establish, maintain, develop, expand, inspire. We are not just interested by financial support. For safety reason and for now care not to be abused by anyone not the owner of logo of olicognography in swiss intellectual property institute.
- "cooperate": for the moment, byside of technical cooperation, we can only accept free ones, mainly of individuals for direct intellectual material and indeed not all the work of one's life. Of course sustainability for the development of the system will have to consider that, if on one side individuals may give for free some of their efforts (which may be transformed), more required systemic work should appear whence the system develop, hosted in a good place. Important contribution(s) deserve payment(s), according mechanisms still to define. At the interface of humane reality and essential information to provide with hard and largelly collaborative virtual world we have complicated effects that should be take into account.
- "develop": for a start, just the portfolio of a multidisciplinarian individual and this could stay so if no care for core values of citizenship and local coherence of humane development arise with that proposal of visual means. Up to you, to imagine how and where this "mission" can flower, to allow, for example just like a part-time use of creator's services in an english speaking country with good resources of library or; imagine which proper context could help to develop this website.
- "contact": Olivier (multidisciplinarian humanist): oligodix<at>/
where are you?: countries are avoided - positioned of regions over their continent.
"environment": see details. According human settlements' logic or natural environments, some categories will not be very useful but are there (hope so from some as "ice"). In the process of documention it is to mind to which extend any document can apply. Then to imagine for example that on "ice" some high temperatures application may not apply?
- sort of vegetation. If you feel that too short, remind: combination in 2 levels of same terms can help to detail. Of course well we hope that special environments will be defined and appear in their region.
status - practice as?
- foreign - outregional - local - professional - non professional - local - community - private - unemployed - under 18 years
Order - want to have?
- your basket - credit card - cheque - transfert - precautions
Remind: yet this is not directly active