Curves of Change 3 Fibers
Basic Olicognograph: Social Indicators Transitions
More Fondamental Frame
Projects' assessment methods have traditionnally looked like heterogenous, and classified under 2 paradigmatic perspectives of economics meanwhile exposed to many non democratically legitimate manipulations. Too there has been the diversity of format forced by different national aid agencies creating fakely incompatible forms creating misunderstanding and stiring projects' democratic transparency. Quite often making more difficult a comprehensive view since wholesome money value. For so pieces of the regular process of information have been use just for partial comparisons between technologically similar projects. Fragments ignoring the purpose of comprehension, the required transparency of all the process and the local values where projects where taking place and making time. For example in projects of rural electricity, dams economics assessment, water networks, and so on, reducing philosophy to points relevant to technological of main investment issue (to underesteem preliminary cost, but poorly helping the learning of people.
In sustainable Environmental Commons where human settlments take place, key questions are: "1) Clear boundaries that define the resource to eliminate open-access conditions?. 2) Clear context-appropriate rules and the recognition that no one set of rules will be suitable for all areas?. 3) Collective-choice arrangements through which participants gain a stake in and participate to the creation of the rules and governance structures?. 4) Monitoring of resource use by appropriators to address issues of subtractability and status of resource?. 5) Graduated sanctions for appropriators who violate agreed-upon rules?. 6) Platforms for low-cost effective conflict-resolution mechanisms to address conflicts among appropriators or between users and officials?. 7) Political space for appropriators to devise their own institutions?
Now, before setting the frames of decision, it is to start any asessment process since the physics of objective world of transformations applying locally including specific expressions (but derived) of physical 'laws' and process toward applied definitions of terms it is, in our mind important to try to anchor informations as phenomenological evidences as emerging from practical landscape and transformations of matter & energetic (prone material) links to redesign, solve. Information as measured from the relative distributed maps of matter to intent to detect potential inflexions of entropy and neguentropy from resources, disposals, possibilities of involvement into sustainable anthropic flows . We imagine that changes induced by transformations produced by anthropogenic activities as implemened by projects, should examine starting with this basic frame. Further perspectives can then be added as layers, as setting some mixtures of the first set, say for example: quantitative - qualitative and synthetic. So in correspondance with the basic physical one(s). Even when the projects are primarilly intangible including policies about abstracts. it seems better to proceed so. Sort of steps of such analysis would be:
- Project (as the title of the collection of concepts presented in 4. & 5. steps),
- Ground Registers of Analysis, at least: energy potential, matter, information,
- Intermediate registers of material management (a mixture of previous),
- Humane Abstract Policies Items Registers, at pre-end (pre-pre-end if an abstract before adaptation to fields. Pre-end are in olicognography concepts of activities (which not already exist in most of present unachieved olicognogrpah). Be like social - politics - technological (economics substituing technological in the short term).
- Established feasible criteria correspondance, to relate a program system, by this of humane kind, like: freedom - diversity - solidarity - aspirations to unity. Designed as limits, conditions, practical regulations on final actions set since the practice.
3 Basic Fibers when Transformations Occur
A project is a collection of determined transformations. It could well differenciate at least 3 registers. One would be the material transformations (commonly accumulation). In economics it is a curve of production formulated after factors of production. Be it a our ground level (matter, energy, information-entropy). May be the sort of profile should see 3 related curves (along time or in a black or white box of time of transformations). Curves profile should be more realistic (like biochemical ones). Any may receive a material definition (by the relation between energy and matter). Be a communicated information landscape like a map of differenciated distributions of the previous: a real physical area map (probabilistic because it is hard to know everything for sure even without subjectivity and impossible in complexity and an projected one: a map of transformations between the original one actions programmed.
A project is not just whatever wanted by the leader, the people or the technocrats. Original map can be a landscape or a piece of ecosystem (physically quantified). Project would, for example, pretend to put water there, power plant there, buildings and settlement(s) there, and so on. Conceive that new antitities could be first expressed as quantic ones and on to mainframe(s) of existing realities show the potential transformations (to put thereafter in correspondance - as transforming effects - with mainframe(s). Energy differenciated maps makes one original (supporting ecosystem) (in biosphere there are Sun's inputs with local ones: fuels (convertible matter). One energetic map of present transforming ecosystem (flows of maintainance) and one for pretended energetic transformations or matrix of transformations (between previous and transformed flows; like of renewable and/or not renewable flows of matters producing energy that can be caught in differenciated energetic devices to be implemented: motors, engines, electricity, powerplants; pictured in schematic symbols, and so on. These energetic devices allows humans' engineering transformations, design a project implemented to produce expected transformations and reorganize local flows. Humans themselves are energetic engines and special care should be given to their destructive potential (as well as to their elimination) like when using fire "for cleaning the space for greed" or uncare the commons concerning sustainability.
The meaning of information here is of physics. The sorts of concepts we should manage it as in science of transformations: biothermodynamics, and anthropothermodynamics (abling some shortcuts with non biotic and stocked energies). There are the concepts of entropy (spontaneous trend to desorganize) which, together with openness and possibility to differenciate up (neguentropy) considering at least 2 subsystems (dualist separation, or a particle in its' field) allowance of entropy's counter trend of construction: neguentropy, by entropy (on Earth to add the input of Sun and its catchment and involvement, mainly by chlrorophylic process). As a result, a local (sub)system can gain more entropy potential, when accumulating and structuring matter and potential energetic matter, providing together more information of structure. Thermodynamics and thermochemistry have many complementary concepts as: reactivity (characteristic properties of types of materiality), orders of reactions, metastability. So be it or not a pictured analogy of what occur biologically when the strands of basic biological information operate we can see a project or plan as a piece of intented trajectory of information (manipulation of the spontaneous one) put int a box of transformations, occuring or possible, with at least 2 options and probably more (the last one and the next one).
So our box of transformations would be composed of 3 strands as in following graph. These strands will readjust together, by equivalence out of the box of transformations. Ground perspective of project can be to review what explain (or should be manipulated) to observe or cause: matters - energies - information discrepant strands, of the box of interest, but not without the environment, inputs and outputs of the transformations. Be this properly made and shared and we could let behind plenty of unecessary financial speculations with no more sense than financial normation of greed administred by cynical smart brilliant idiots. Our purpose is not to prevent any speculation or expectation but to care that they could have consistent effects and prevent them to turn inhumane. These redefinitions of relations made by a project of transformations, are generally expected at a higher level of incorporated organization and energy and as criteria must affect that is give the humane meaning of all that.
Suggested correspondance would be, during the project of transformations:
- Material curve of transformations: like of CES or (we prefer) Verhulst's function (starts slowly, accelerates then exhaust).
- Energetic curve of thermodynamic biological transformations, with an amount of energy of activation, necessary for inducing the change and a decaying to a generally higher energetic level metastable state.
- A curve of expression of switche of information that could be a S bifurcation: you push a system's information to its limits (lower first right curl), meet these, mind how (or remember) to change the configuration of information, thus regress on time (virtual of black box) and switch (up left second curl) to another one; generally higher if developing new system.
"It has been found by experiment that any 2 people in the world, chosen at random, are connected to one another, by a short chain of intermediate acquaintances, of typical length about 6". As a result if anyone is different from all others, it is not so difficult to find anyhow some social community between (meanwhile bio-organically there are much more: human races does not exist, humans species have mixed, subtle - mostly immunological - identities make highest complex units mixing uncertain). "This phenomenon, colloquially referred to as the “six degrees of separation”... Now "many regularities in network structures across applications makes social networks obvious and their study can suggest possibilities of studies and policies". "The wide variety of settings where social networks play a role leads to an almost endless set to investigate". For good or for bad there are plenty of reasons for cooperation and exchange. From theories of coalition of power to struggles, up to an altruistic view upon everyone. Especially with information: "2 advantageous effects of information sharing in the costly measure of model: individuals in a collective have more information than in isolation, and pay less for it". Formally coalition formation models require combinations of methods partly from different domains: relational algebra, graph theory, social choice theory and bargaining.
Cardinal numbers of actors, higher than 2 makes the reason for cooperation as in "Of the 4 population structures given by global and local learning and global and local game interactions, local interaction with global learning provides the most favorable environment for the evolution of cooperation. This occurs because this combination of learning and interaction structures supports a high level of, between group variance in the frequency of cooperative types, so that most cooperators benefit from being in groups composed mostly of cooperators. However neither global learning nor local interaction is sufficient by itself to support high levels of cooperation. Learning globally and playing locally are thus highly complementary: global learning in the presence of global interactions or local interaction in the presence of local learning, makes little contribution to the evolutionary success of cooperative traits".
"Simple models of the growth of social networks, can be based on 3 general principles: (1) Meetings take place between pairs of individuals at a rate which is high if a pair has one or more mutual friends and low otherwise; (2) Acquaintances between pairs of individuals who rarely meet decay over time; (3) There is an upper limit on the number of friendships an individual can maintain". Then also the "need for models that incorporate all features reproducing features of real social networks, including high levels of clustering or network transitivity and strong community structure in which individuals have more links to others within their community than to individuals from other communities".
The complexities of processes, as similar as they could be, make them always different, especially if requiring to be well appropriated and adapted to a given environment and/or their place or niche; be it as well social and environmental. So that any project should not proceed, with humanity, without cooperation, at the minimum neutral-non-negative, neither against community. "Communication plays a key role in the ability of agents to reach and maintain superior coordination. In the absence of communication, agents tend to get trapped at the inferior coordination point. However, once agents reach a particular strategic threshold, sending even, a priori meaningless messages serves to increase the likelihood that the population will coordinate on the superior outcome".
"Total relatedness in group structured models can be partitioned into 2 components: structural relatedness due to the size and number of groups in the population, and assortative relatedness due to the distribution of genotypes among groups. Positive relatedness requires positive assortment for other-only but not for whole-group traits. Negative relatedness is possible for other-only but not whole-group traits. Relatedness depends on average group size for whole-group but not other-only traits, and non-random assortment into groups affects relatedness more strongly for other-only than whole-group traits".
Even in the harsh ways (cooperate or die!), very special conditions have been necessary for entreprise be profitable. This harshest ways often produce sort of social systems to get into regression, if evolution is positive, and can be late to introduce innovations. Only the switch to huge new energetic ressources until nowadays have prevented sorts of regressions. To observe with sustainability that: up-to-date more profitable society evolution and better shared benefits have come from a sense to respect more the environment and the humans while finding in technological smart advance the engine of progress. The least minimum at the respect is simply our intermediate position metabolism and the need for renewal of our environment, but there are plenty other good or smart with moral intermediate reasons.