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Material and Realism

Basic Olicognograph: Galileo's heuristic

Materialism for Caring Essential but Avoid Dictatorship of Ideas

Materialism, for a reality made of changing states with energetic costs, induces activities disorganizing more the whole, while locally eventually building. This may look like less "wise" than the theoretical wisdom of doing nothing. There, the contradiction and singularity of life: life requires to do something to happen (to catch part of it) but willfully at end of all things we have the good feeling of not having (dis)created or released too much disorganization, (like for not being ashamed of). So when vanishing back to everything all things, close our eyes with the feeling to have made some good way of life and of having had enough options and potential ways. To have had choice and preserved proudly cared about goodness and freedom.

The aim is some space of potential, open to mind about the gain of the subjective feeling, to have had some control on the sort of settlements and developments, able to feed ourselves. Better of course if this has served reasonably harmonious managements of space, eventually in fair frames of property rights or, more appropriately: the shared respect of the safety of your essential unit; your own life, essential metaphysics and the care paid to any others. These last ones, supporting the sense to safety of use, meanwhile not for making more difficult the "tragic" management of commons. Producing so, a common practical understanding of matters or materialism, having understood, cared and take best advantage to gain one's own diversion, at the minimum energetic, social and ecological cost for every others. There the money of profit, be the intermediate optimum: imperfect mean within the range's limits inspired by fair care of matter's transformations.

We have to care that mature ideologic systems (old?) have always good reasons and "moral arguments", within efficient systems of explanations. None look like so different to others; all are human; despite being seen as incompatible by respective geopolitical authorities. With economics it could be better , in many ways, to care first about social or collective materialistic basic needs, rather than force subjective interpretations, of concepts of the sort as preferences and sense of utility, so as to manage spiritual values for dogmatic or petty trade purpose. So as to prevent sorts of sectarian and related alienation, providing addictive religious practices or pseudo scientific management of human beings. Historically any systems of praxis of moral values can have been used to support sectarian, prevent development of freedom and forced hegemony. So neither materialism should be managed as an ideologic register. At the same time, some theologies have demonstrated capability to cross centuries and help to develop values of care. Our aim is, of course, to stay systematically ambiguous: be good as a supportive need ... good way you wish it.

So in humans' projects of engineering, simple materialistic needs can be preferred, for not forcing too disastrous ideologic inscriptions, as they can be full of non understanding. Neither too short political sightless by balancing different approaches and providing enough opportunities of humane involvements. Differentiate, for example, levels of inscription: micro (essential materialism), macro (subjective values) and meso (essential subjectively minimalist - maximum material complexity of self-unity). This to inscribe individual or collectives in general values of common humanity (that jurists call jus cogens). Find marginal mixtures like: be in simple needs basically materialist to care, respect and save yourself and natural environments; Use spiritual common goals (not to pretend that God's allows you to destroy and think that humans gain more from humane intelligence rather than from rude natural ways of making. Another frame, can promote individuals and competition if socially well intentioned and inscribed in humane values of fairness and positive cooperation: complexity confuses many things, if having this confusion as your doubts, it can help your mind to be cautious.

  • Materialist existence as a social care is not for imposing unsustainable expansive waste of natural resources,neither for making natural renewal rates impossible with 'optimum biodiversity',
  • Use spirits as means for behaving practically good with any others. Hence not for ignoring the margins of autonomy of freedom and responsibility all have in their allowed freedom,
  • Have pessimistic views on honesty should mean carefully make better future with measured sense of efforts,
  • Be positive as an expression of self-commitment for rigor, with frames that offer as enough possible positive opportunities to others for changing things for good and, be aware of others' interests and relative potentials,
  • Consider extensities of settlements as ways to minimize and make renewal rates more easy. Not for wasting in vain or let non renewal wastes and see care, after preventable losses had happened,
  • Use intensive practices, as ways to concentrate effects and scale care, more efficiently to minimize and enclose, meanwhile to know more than the-borders of your narrow self-interest (or you will ignore the opportunities making society positive for all).

Nevertheless, care about reason of materialism using realism as a mean to reduce. According to Popper, with the notion of ‘objective probability’, “the World is no longer a causal machine. It now can be seen as a world of propensities, as an unfolding process of realizing possibilities and of unfolding new possibilities.” F. Hahn said, ‘If things are not repeating, if things are not in equilibrium, what can we, as economists, say? How could you predict anything? How could you have a science?

Despite equalities, equations or identities, you will nevertheless have to keep in mind the difference between object and subject. This is like doing an experiment or building a model if the subject does not allow it directly. So, you should not be really surprised if the subject does not follow your mind. It is this constant questioning of differences between model and subject that makes you a scientific or a honnęte homme (or humanist), not your assurance when saying you are right.

Green Development: does such thing exist ?

"The are at least 3 distinct areas in complex enterprises' design to seek to integrate which are:

1) Organization's design, referring to the design of the organization itself, through the setting of variables under control of management. These variables include the organization structure (boundaries, levels), technologies (both product and process), people (hiring, training), tasks (work design), reward systems, information systems, and decision-making processes.

Green concern will care there to add the level of advice concerning environment impact, starting by the reference of impact to the ecosystem and its sensibility to unusual transformations.

2) Product design is defined as the process by which customer requirements are transformed into a physical artifact that fulfills the customers' stated needs.

Greening the concept should have been easy, considering the stream flow of products, but harder if considering that globalization has often geographically widely dispersed the production of parts meanwhile the relationships between main assembler or director of the flows of designed processes strongly determine spare parts providers. Meanwhile this dispersion had precisely contradictory aims: play with heterogeneity and reduce costs.

3) Manufacturing process design includes facilities locations and layouts; the purchasing of new equipments and technologies as well as planning, scheduling and operating manufacturing facilities. This idea is captured well by the field of operations management which may be defined as "the design, operation and improvement of the production systems".

Normally the most consistent level to managed greener development is all conditioned by center of decision carried by 1); also needs to convince to provide with sort of interesting issues; as fast as possible; like options and alternatives of saving costs or complications consistent with "green development opportunities".

Green development could be processed to define jointly a common perspective. Under a complex perspective, this could be more a basis for consensus, participation and cooperation. In such case of framing policies, a technical process transcripts policies into practices, with special care to the means and rules provided, or designed to support democratic plans. Example of such policies, as a collection of generic goals could be:

  1. Health and the environment: Ensure that every person enjoys the benefits of clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment home, at work, and as citizens play.
  2. Economic prosperity: Sustain a healthy economy that grows sufficiently to create goodness sensed jobs, reduce poverty and provide the opportunity for higher quality of life for all in an increasingly competitive world.
  3. Equity: ensures that all citizens are afforded justice and have the opportunity to achieve economic,environmental, and social well-being.
  4. Conservation of nature: use, conserve, protect, and restore natural resources - land, air, water, and biodiversity - in ways that help ensure long-term social, economic, and environmental benefits for ourselves and future generations.
  5. Stewardship: to create a widely held ethic of stewardship that strongly encourages individuals, institutions, and corporations to take full responsibility for the economic, environmental, and social consequences of their actions.
  6. Sustainable communities: to encourage people to work together to create healthy communities where natural and historic resources are preserved, jobs are available, sprawl is contained, neighborhoods are secure, education is lifelong, transportation and health care are accessible, and all citizens have opportunities to improve the quality of their lives.
  7. Civic engagement: to create full opportunity for citizens, businesses,and communities to participate in and influence the natural resource, environmental and economic decisions that affect them.
  8. Population move:toward care,
  9. international responsibility: take one's part in the development and implementation of global sustainable development policies, standards of conduct, and trade and foreign policies that further the achievement of sustainability".

"Basic-Broad Needs", as Wholewheat Bread as Wholesome is Better

Maintenance of the self unit means there should be a minimum for everyone, with a dynamic potential or possibility to maintain and enhanced equilibrium. Out of positive economics of social actors, the behavioral problems are that not everybody are not perverse, but for the unit itself in a real world, like because we are omnivorous open systems, depending also on others, through either static maintenance either dynamic equilibrium are requiring to be self-renewing and tax environment.

Would be "static disequilibrium" because needing to stay inside the limits of a not too costly liveable window of geographic space (a biosphere in the troposphere on Earth and in the universe) for economics (in an ecological sense) renewal. Say dynamics equilibrium to keep the same definition of our complex self-unit, despite renewing matter of components. Well we know, as expressed that "all will get back to dust; but actually still preferring our own maximum basic level of complexity: not yet 'back' to the fate of being engineered by worms (even if this kind of life has been evidenced so essential by agronomists). Ghost we are, but wanting to keep our reputation in haunted memories.

Now, considering the enormous Sun's positive inputs, renewal should not be impossible on our Earth. But Sun's inputs needs photosynthesis to feed Earth's organic world. May be, bacteria and blue algae started to make neguentropic flow reproducible thanks to information material evolution, pushing the diversity of entropies' controls, for the sake of lives as a whole; not just for the private interest of lone humans. That way troposphere has been made, and, if humans have colonized every corners of the globe, it should be notice that civilization also emerged everywhere despite different capabilities and easiness.

In history, civilizations often ended when basic needs were no more satisfied, quite often because an ecological crisis where humans economics disconnected from the sustain of their life or appeared misanchored to their environment. A broad view over these ecological worlds at a knowledgeable manageable scale.

Scientists of of thinking mind and writings brought themselves formulas, still not comprehensive but enriching economics of many infrastructures, not just those dedicated to biotechnologies. Economics has new currents inspired by biological world formulation. Say for example with thermoeconomics or evolutionary economics. This could be somehow theoretical and limited by the meanings of complexity and aims of simplicity tending to restart deductions from reductions. For example financial and appraisal in projects' management traditionally points to: 1) Ensure that financial, social and environmental costs are fully understood. 2) Ability to create and manage a business plan and associated contracts. 3) The understanding of risk/reward approaches for all stakeholders. 4) The ability to appraise business cases, proposals and contracts in order to make sound financial decisions. 5) The understanding where finance for sustainable communities comes from, how to attract it, and how to construct a business case for long term sustainability and prosperity of a community. 6) Emphasis given to the needs to be placed on being able to develop the business case for ongoing sustainable communities, including the economic models which make long term sustainability possible. As, of course manage a project is also a financial question, we should not ignore. Despite finance could not be seen directly as a consistent part in the management of sustainability, there are, in the same sense of previous paragraph analogies to develop for caring financial systems support local infrastructuring and information's management understood in the concepts of entropy in biological world.
