Similar Complement (Yang & Yin)
Be proud in pertinent humble places, seek essence and format(ed) appropriate information
When you start or include in some situation a logicalframe of abstract(s), you "art" human will. Care that practical issues should be essential."Hands in end" be cautions, not your methods and processes bias unappropriatedly fundamental principles and extend limits of "humans errors".
- Your abstractions must not ignore that many (half?) identifications, definitions and citizens' commitments proceed from the field of practical issues. Even when goals are humanistic (somehow universal) what you try is to set criteria to be more "genuinally humane".
- Abstractions often call formalism; mainly mathematical and logical ones. Formalisms are never complete. Even when based on best demonstrations. Formalism's are, too often abused by manipulations. - Numbers only for "yes" they seem to tell me that I am right -. "Selection", too often, misses complements. Balances need to be better practiced. For example formalism can need to be inductive, when paradigm induce but its object (subject analyzed) only deduced (do according). At some moments both will turn too wrong for being useful. Their errors expand as fallacious dogmas. Conceptual symmetries, mirror's effects between formal and real, theoretic or pragmatic; when making models, introducing intermediate formulas. All this should be cared. Intermediate being concepts or persons. They should not hide the wood behind their shrub.
- Because the development of the means of information, intermediate stages of configuration should be enhanced. In most places practice masters. That must not mean that mistake, fallacies and bias should be enhanced or stand and stay so present. Because of complexity, inductive retrictions cannot master. Neither the rationalism of humane "theories" can act as objective of supreme decider(s). One spiritual omniscient, omnipotent may be necessary to many people. No people should prejudge for others on.
- System(s) of information should bring essence, balanced frames and advise on cautious methods, provide consistent documentation and let legitimate communication be local level of democratic. Skill start at everyones' doors, let them sets its criteria and assumes responsabilities.
A picture very useful to us, to have in mind is the symbol of Yin and Yang. Somehow with the same sort of philosophy, somehow in our more systemic interpretation: Yang & Yin. If you prefer: Yan & Ying
Qualitatively Speaking
Briefly: looking at this symbol, you observe complementary concepts in an overall unit. Identifying the symbol to some analytic object to think about a real subject. Once identified, the symbol can be shared as a model. This symbol has symmetry and include in each subfield a piece of the other - black small disc in white, white small disk in black . A way to picture unit: there is a piece of logic in each subfield, enough important to understand the need to complete with the other side. No need of esoterism in this symbol just a good starting device, to think about complexity and balanced care.
Then the forms and shape can be interpreted. For example we can give some sense to the smoothed forms and borders of subfields from one the other color. Consider for example the S border, like a wave, with up and down movment, or negative and positive moments; like for a moving point along it. In a balanced system we imagine that this can picture Williams of Ockham's razor criterion: the concept that in a consensus, what more probably will prevail, is the weakest argument. Setting it on one side - than on the other; may make it acceptable to subparts (unitedly spirited), as in a dynamic positive transforming process (that time was for me, next will be your's). Dialectics can here to help us to design logical frame that could cope with complexity; not to betray Kant or Marx: their practices was as good but the dialectics on their theories bubbled too much in the global determinism. For that they cannot be judged.
With the symbol, see that half part of a subfield shows like a "claw" which tip, very contrasted extremity, is the most distant to its same color sub-area. Like if a perfect determinism could be the most distant to its common; meanwhile closer to its contradictions (and antagonist effects) of the other color subfield: typical paradox from complex situations (too far from its ground, too close to its contrary arguments).
The larger other half part contains most of the area and include a contradictory small area (of complementary color). Tending to the smooth top of S interline: where each tiny point upon the interface is quite the same as its neighbor (dispersed in the mass). To imagined that fat half part of subarea, is good to think about probability. Probability always include contrary possibility and a residue deterministically mis-ignored but really where emerge complex change: to get in more easilly, even a virus has specific key of one of the doors. So the contrary color ball in the fat part of subfield. Mind you exploration has a glass billiards ball rolling and look at the the color of the ball (this as your eye's ball).
Quantitatively Speaking
This symbol pictures is simplification: an ideal of a complex object. As a start, to think about the norm or the metric of line, sets a formula of relative volumes of eventually varying importance (in terms of variable). You can refer (object and identify) to a real object. Proportions can vary too, since a neutral ideal model (of perfect proportions). This would be expressed in relative terms (percentages) and see what characteristics (extrema, roots, etc.) you get. Rather than force an object derived from reality to be as formal ideal model. Yin Yang is not an explaination but an exploring tool, in our case to care questions.
Quantification can be relativized to relations between subject, object and structures of picture. If there is more variety of components and pieces, grouping could be minded. At least the minimum is to start as a dual balanced. These grouping (simplifications classifying characteristics as opposed, complementary, same, different) should be carefull. They may set your umbrella of principles (within which you try yo operate your model: balance, symmetries, differentiate). Effectivelly regrouping inspired by cautious management not the good and bad decreeted by a "death-handling" dictator or an abstract macroeconomic management. Too, a "death handling dictator" can be as well as a specialist of some social science wanting to renew its theories, a politician wanting his orders to be blindly obeyed, etc. Complexity suggest that good scientists can turn dictator too. The reverse, a dictator turning a good scientist, is less common: once you have start to abuse from reduction turns an addiction. Thiss is not always useless and responsability depends on who pay for your wrongdoings.
Quantify as yan and ying ? For example a primer setting would consist in calculating energy (light) and matter (dark). What gives more sense to our "scientific study" is how this could be managed in time.
Symbol is an ideal form. We can imagine that such picture of a situation and a concept can be not so symmetric, not so balanced; but still with properties of mixture. So if :
- We want a model that could help us to balanced amounts and information types,
- Respecting proficient and legitimate level,
- Sort proportions to qualify and use conceptually,
- Without ignoring the sort of balance and norm that happened to be reasonnable in the past or to the common sense or, because the type of knowledge managed.
Yan & Ying symbol is great typ** - never miss the e of essence and the s of substance.
Economically Speaking within Complexity
Once we have such symbol, turned a picture: a model of complex object, because we have identified properties, quite not so unbelievable. We can seek to picture more properties that would show a more complex yin and yang symbol.
Refer a subject to its object and/or model, grounding it on observed or experimented properties and/or agreed where we can insert our criteria; together in human communities, public or private sectors of actors, partners and employed, and so on.
The sort of Yin and Yang picture can vary, in a more "rational inspired modelling"; like introducing scale, colors scales (or grey scales) and so on. Find a one page summary in Yin Yang Olicognographic reading.
Economy of the model and the development of sorts of geometric tips hemps to vision models of conduct: balanced ones.