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P00: frame around

P01: olicognography

P03: infrastructures




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Dress Up Frames

Flexibility for Practice

Abstract ideographs or olicognographs can look (or can be imaged) balanced or equilibrated, if not symmetrical; at different levels of its forms (in a local neighborhood), a sector or when covering various registers or fields of application. In the abstract design balances and equilibrium may be all well proportioned, but really or operatively; there will be pelenty of variants and different weights; because required by circunstances or because how things have been made. The frames stay as reference that is logical frames, but it is a distorted picture (for good or bad) that is applied. Nevertheless you can try to keep it so qualitatively since this inform on alternative categories, difference will be made quantitatively or alternativelly importance given by budget.

Disequilibria, dynamics can be shown in many different ways:

Design purpose is to be balanced; help oneselves by using similar pieces. So as to remind (from your memories) concepts or detect sort of ones filling logical frame. Being you or someone else in audience that could have the knowledge. Remember how some procedure could have been usefully applied or suggest something it is willing to work. In the cognitive process your brain may play recalling or suggesting significant key-concepts. Something which is known and/or culturaly accepted: an habit efficient and somehow stable, often more technological and known how to be managed.

In practice of dynamics of consensus and arbitrations, different weigths apply. Shape should adapt. Essence has not just one way to be preserved. Disgression, trangressions are not primary goals, once a program have been agreed, there are tactical adaptations are still be required to cope better with reality; while the report and the drawing should show enough clearly why success or failure of the program of a logical framework happened.

Considering that complexity makes more probable that any success will not come how exactly designed; good lessons should be taken whatever the issue, even when relative. Lessons are the last way how things can stay positive. If lessons are not biased, misinterpreted, misunderstood and fallaciously distorted which is too common with non or too democratic leaders. Non democratic leaders will have imposed unappropriable solutions. If good engineerings may be worked socially and can later transform their use so as to have a residual social utility. Too democratic leaders will often fail when unable to implement something significant to the sustainability of the community - while having pretended to lead - and the community abused by its lack of efficiency.


Out the transformations, appropiations, adaptations of the frame to your purpose; it is required to establish main common definitions, democratically accepted. Putting definitions, not before, but after a convincing process of frame design, may help these definitions not be too exhuberantly esoteric: they should fit somehow in the frame. Frame which is already suggesting technical consistancy, can also be well anchored to practice and culturally accepted. There is a structuralist sense in that: having design the context pave the way to consensus on definitions (this is somehow the logical meaning of inductive logic "implication" (but not enough insisted on in short course of logics). Any key concept can be specified by common democratic definitions if not let free; or up to someone put in charge of the component, when flexibility is expected.

Indeed the most important is to derive practical actions. The logical frame helps to design a program in social matters, good including work from community. Activities are derived from one or more key concepts, and variably related to them. Artifices to show that, are in their labels and position. Near a group of key concepts, underline a path (rooting in the logical ball of the olicognograph), connecting to a branch, extending a web between label of activity and the basket of relevant key concepts to it. Otherwise the basket of tasks, connecting more or less superficially of deeper and managed by one actors or a team; structured hierarchically,  according the layers of olicognograph.

Indeed the popular process reshape and redesign with the purpose to adapt rules. No hierarchy should make that alone, for its own sake; but for a project and a team in charge or/and scientifically needed it and accepted so during the process; because its social success requires it so.  At the same time of the popular redesign, it is to detect the skills, the knowledge and the habilities emerging from the audience or assembly. Evidence the competences and inscribe commitments, participations and compromises. It is possible simultaneously to assignate and put in charge of activities and key concepts cared and derived into activities in  the meantime, as well as set their scope and areas of labour. Functional subsets, subops (we mentioned somewhere else) are helpful to apply but to define them practically: qualify (will come partly from the logical frame) - quantify (will be deduced since qualification and scientific consistent formula) - finance (will come from a budget, dispatched to qualities and quantities, account other contributions). Made properly, at the sight of the audience enhance transparency. Best procedures applied fast to easiest pieces is a training that can be reproduced more easilly later on.

What seeks the mainframe, is not just a logical frame imposed while looking like democratic but, thanks to its plasticity, the way to better democratic processes. Otherwise there are other uses of these frames if not directly as a mainframe. They can stay as tools in a more or less shared toolboxes. Be ideographic interfaces upon methods of management of knowledge: since they are more "wholistic", that is also confusing. They can support exercises of systematization and synthesis. Shortening them to very isolated concepts in one specialist register, is not their philosophy; but we do not prejudge that any Art is useless, to the contrary.

Economy of Pieces

Our olicognographic frames can serve anyone. Since abstract scientific concepts to cover as intensivelly as possible the logical field of application. With a complex perspective, there is the stratification of each order of development. Complex perspective and modularity means also that at each layer: confusions in some degree: overlaps (not too important) and mixtures exists, making cuts never perfect, often dangerous. So not a foot-ball but a looking-like one: a logical ball. Not inflated with air and high pression giving the strength to the surface to shoot at it; but, within, a structure filling the logical ball, practical emphasis on the outer interface in contact with reality. In both cases the aim is to make that game work and usefull to what humanity need, especially actually. So inner structure, since general principles and developed toward good consideration of reality, disposing a systemic graph in the playing field, enough robust for flexibility, enough contain to deliver with enough good probability. Deeper the concept more distributed in all the logical ball and more or less scheme and drawing artifices to suggest it. 

Other sorts of logical developments have to do with the catch of range and scales of complexity. Economy is for saving and ecause will not have all the time, ressources and extend to be perfect, since the most fundamental to the most special factual social practice. The suggestion, at the respect, to cope with essential problems and manage the scope(s) and range(s) close to social local utilities.

0licognographic and ideographic frames are tools. Partially, they could be used to explore logical frames in a main register: they can adapt them with the lone point of view of the specialist. Some could provide short overviews on specific problems. The method remain useful, because many suggestive abstracts just come from sciences. For example information, has its meaning in physics, chemistry, biology, ecology or sociology. We can pick one and theorize only on the concept. But for social issues with humane reasons it is to combine perspectives like putting 3 levels or orders or scale covering like micro- meso-macro. Equivalent to say: primary engineering - management of project - social involment.

Otherwise there is some dispersed suggestions of half-rules of construction. Sort of come-and-go between formal and real approaches. Heuristics are driven flexibly but can also be rigorous say like: logical analytical models - experimental device - experiment - data collection and treatment - inference -  revision of logical analytical models and so on. There is a sequence and a come-and-go from formal to empirical. Which can be easily translated to others like of anthropic engineering - environmental metrology - impact assessment - corrective proposals - anthropic engineering ... Sort of heuristics or pathways to solutions that can adapt and shape their moduli and be started wherever easy; with same sort of formalism, but different values, like with characteristic values of equations in dimensions.

Indeed all that make the economy of olicognography an art of management of (key-) concepts, trying to recruit your visual and collective intelligence, your sense of appropriatedness, ability to position, without rigidity in a common logical frame, ability to explain the concepts relevant to one register of application. So you could be considered able to manage part of the program, where you will have a consistent commitment and the agreement of the community.

As a result the sort of frames you develop will seek like:

The frame can remain a flexible reference. Subprograms or routines can be extracted for precision sequences. Good commitment does not means dialectic and rhetoretical skills disserting too much on the complexities and impossibilities of goals. Capacity is to do well something and to pass path-trails in the reality, putting emphasis on efforts, respect democratic landscape and focus on essential care of issues. Not necesarilly hide lazyness in a magic box of everything being complex only to care about one's own antisocial or unsustainable business of free rider extractor.


Considering that we are trying to manage interface(s) which should also help to provide relevant knowledge from databanks and serve the common democratic dialogues of peripheric communities. This involves both the means of the revolution of information and the founding concepts of share knowledge of World Wide Web providing to most needed, essence of knowledge required for their minimum development. This explains why the plasticity of olicognograph should be tracked and practiced to detect needs. Provision of essential knowledge may require to reframe essential information. Despite the enormous developpment of technological possibilities of hardware, there is still failures to develop the economy of human users cognition. It is to close the gap between plenty of (socially useful information) and needed naive users. They need also to receive information promptly and economically well served. With useful and compact formats for not wasting their time, availability and patience, since they have much to do with their communities and often also to earn their life, behave socially, while connected to "fake" Global Society. World Wide Web is actually much wasted in plenty of advertisement promotion of poor essentials and useless, when not serving, in a broad sense, perverted activities.

Management of interfaces implies robust intermediate frames, with enough details that could express what can need users, which are not expert in knowing and saying exactly what they need and how. There is an overinflation of intermediation and communicative parasistism greedily waiting opportunities for wasting good causes or bad criminal reasons. The markets of fake virtual services have exploded (and outburst?). Much had reasonable sense of servicing real economy but too often poorly cared universal social utility, should not be ignored. Much electronic playing games has turned to addiction. Out developpers, most sophisticated personnal computer users, employ less than 10% of the good capacity of their machine and this is reducing because best social utilities meaning of information revolution have not been assumed, for reducing bureaucracy but for help in and increase lack of humane realism. Wireless communications are jammed of spurious ludicrous noise that make the profitability of devices but in the same speculative way as recent financial implosion.

May be because complexity formalization could be not so impossible and could be made more consistent and useful (with less speculation their predictive quality) for improbable and uncertain gaps, traps and instabilities. Olicognography thinks also that special specifications and complications of partial and gaph algebra can be a good mean to design better specified profiles of queries. Practical issue is to design calculable and solvable frames, as well as introduce different perspectives in modelling which formally could consist in the possibility to switch between scalar, dimensions, coefficients, signs, monoids, information-entropy, variety of number bases, and so on. Thereafter to mind what sort of optimization could apply.

Since Abel (a mathematician), we know that algebraic equations of degree superior to 4 could not be solved with radicals (no general solutions). Together with the intuition that at once, even with the help of some program, we cannot managed easilly more than few (oligo) options. While 1 or 2 degrees of variables are not enough to have realistic options and the possibility to share them. 3 or 4 variables or dimensions could be the right number coincidentally that of real object of material world. 5 or 6 are eventually solvable if within a graph frame, showing structural simplifying properties. More than 6 could also be be solved with extraproperties (thermodynamics possibilities, superior symmetries and equivalencies). There fundamental physics technics can inspire. Be directly effective when speaking of scientific contains or alternativelly while designing graphs according the properties; legitime actors agree, coulld mimic the properties of balanced or unbalanced required. 


Mind that a wholistic or holistic way does not mean to be shy with numbers, calculus, scientific drawings. Neither consider that more "simple" people should have no more than the most simple and reduced things and ignored the sort of complications and confusions, they infact live everyday, not just because unable to disert on, in a simple way. They are never enough developped to understand. There are already decades that "modern civilisation" admitted whatever the culture (hence the civilization) and whatever simple the ways of life one can have, anyone have never simple goods explanations at the level of its most essential concern.

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