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P01: olicognography

P04: pop. economy




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Learning Curve and Catching Curves

Basic Olicognograph: Know Levels of Learning

Intercept Real Trajectories with Humane Economics in Thoughts

Intuitively, path dependant trajectories (establish in biophere and local permanenciesof ecosystem) are probably the best way for subsystems of Nature, especially relativelly independent ones, to catch what they need in their environment. Be humans beings the relativelly independent (and open) subsystems in an environment providing ressources. So, how humans groups have started picking, burning, killing and collecting in Nature. for asic survival activities that are still essential, even if this environment have been extensivelly and intensivelly artificialized. This has much to do with informations and local opportunities and also a first aspect of economics and a way to solve scarcity. Analogies or consistent relations with hunters, gatherers, producers with agriculture by diversion of Sun's input and so on are so easy with common trade, business, movements of many people, that is suggest to think that plenty of theories on trade, business-prone behaviors and so on have roots deeper than business theories.

So in more postmodern views there would be more information, times building and, at end, benefit if, rather than trying to make modern theories on patterns of behavior, from abstract concepts, derived from some "pure economics" (which best authors never suggested to be the definitive reason of real economics, but more as the "mathematics of an economic interpretation of topology: as often suggested Walras, Debreu, Arrow). So to expect for maximizing "returns" or utilities and adapt for "wholistic views" and make them better informed, choosing according consistent information, local opportunities, humane alternatives and so on. So still have to be identified to reality, set local definition, consider the meaning and ocrrespondance between a model of formula (somehow exposed to choice of technicians from a givven school of theories and of a social reality which can conventionally and democratically be legitimlly be very different those intented. For some elements at the respect of applications to reality:

  • Economicize the behavior or flexibilize the meaning of behaviors but not reduce that to a narrow field of Economy like a reserve field of expertise (care also that the degree of sophistication of psycho-economical formalism undemocratically prejudge on how rational human should behave according the models);
  • Dual of humans trajectories between natural and artificial environments as a thermoeconomics of options (without missing the maintaince - of criticial states fed on diverted flows - reason of many biological or human activities, neither be too surprise of the huge poor efficiency of thermoeconomics of anthropogenic transformations: your ecological economics need to be clearheaded or none will listen for long your extremist purist solutions);
  • Human specificity of intellectual-teleological freedom of choice and behave (say no to a given primary phenomenology but with the purpose to find a better and more fruitful alternative to most);
  • Think about how have usus fructus and - minimum - abuse better than only and at any cost: wrongly using, stressed fructus and plenty of waste of abuse (that is also know, learn and adapt to better alternatives in an economics of projects);
  • Balance extended from good and bad toward renewals, restoration and savings of wastefull transformations, when not essential to a humble freely assumed life (without missing everyones life need for work, earnings and live);
  • Compete for wrongly destroy or for finding the best ways to preserve the variety of future choice (open to future generations);
  • Mediating for minimum but sufficient profit (including hope, safety, hospitality, health, courage and happyness when all this is wise)
  • Qualify theories of games, but not missing that winning strategies of the geopolitical kind, predatory and hierarchical types have governed most of the previous centuries including during world wars as well as allowed conflict between very distant nations in local terrorist battlefield; so what could be the real type of humane economics ? - that could not push societies wanting to reach the same level of development by reinventing by mimicry the pathways that leaded to wars, civil conflicts and so on);
  • Requalify meaning of general equilibrium to "perpetual saddle bridge over the rainbow" with different potential ones open to choice" of many ones;
  • Economics of trajectories preparing to find the smart and "profitable" short-cuts of sciences, knowledge and wisdom.

"Static (theoretic) games (have) concepts as necessary or suficient conditions for dynamic stability (so) are extremely useful because explicit dynamics are often diffcult to handle. The concept of an Evolutionarily Stable Strategy (ESS) has been popular as it is suffcient for asymptotic stability under the replicator dynamics in single population contests. As ESS often does not exist, set-valued generalizations such as that of an Evolutionarily Stable Set. In multi-population contests based on normal form games, a population state has to be a strict equilibrium point in order to be asymptotically stable for a large varietyof evolutionary dynamics. A strict equilibrium is hence the counterpart of an ESS ... Similar to ESS, strict equilibria often fail to exist, in particular in extensive-form games. Also set-valued concept of a SE set which is ageneralization of a strict equilibrium in the same spirit as an ES Set generalizes an ESS. SE Sets are asymptotically stable under the multi-population standard replicator dynamic".

On another hand, human operators have many limitations to perform exactly and consistently the same large sequences of actions. Like when more then a half dozen concepts can be properly and sequentially formalized into an automated program. Machines can do these much faster than human operators and with more regularity.

"Learning Machine: 1) Avoid contact with objects wander aimlessly, 2) Explore the world, 3) Build an internal map, 4) Notice changes in the environment, 5) Formulate travel plans, 6) Anticipate and modify plans accordingly".

"Cognitons (as basic units of cognition) proposed by Ferber:

  1. Interaction: Percept (transmitted by external sensors) - Information (transmitted by another agent) - Decision (selecting action) - Request (transmitted to another agent) - Norm (imposed by the social organisation)
  2. Representation: - Belief (representing states of the world and self) - Assumption (Possible representation not yet believed)
  3. Conative: - Tendency (resulting from impulse or demand) - Impulse (Internal need coming from the conservative system) - Demand (External need resulting from request or percept) - Intention (Internal duty for decision) - Command (selecting decision) - Engagement (External constraint on decision)
  4. Organisation: - Method (Set of rules and techniques to implement action) - Task (Set of stages needed to implement action or method)" .

To complete this with intention, to start of any project or develoment, like of infrastructures, anyhow somehow social, it should be designed also as processes of learning, learning effects with sense of concentration effects. So as to see on average costs curves times dynamic series. "Like passing by:

  1. An intangible warrant that, as far as possible, the required knowledge for a process of transformations is available (to any, at least democratic capable drivers of the processes, with well shared value of everyones' contribution);
  2. Start, more or less fast but train somehow progressively and strongly - once trainings well engaged and common acceptance shared choice may be less uncertain and more commited;
  3. Find and reach a peak, taking account of necessary overheaded package of knowledge, required by processes of transformations (knowing more means able to do less, but effectively engaged) especially for the most modest determinant level (often missed),
  4. Processes of systematization often make what is called in traditional economics the learning process of first times of exploitation (and cleaning social delivery : like giving the lessons, but caring not to mistake them),
  5. Slower processes of learning meeting the enforcement of essential goals, secondary effects prevention or care and necessary adjustments". Learning curves can also happen because better understood complexities happen to be cared and solved along time.
  6. There is also density of concentration effects when sharing socially so for a potential of threshold and scale effects if all play their duties in a self-appropriated way. Profitable mixtures of doing, knowing ho, learning by doing and systemic studies on working methods, devices, disposals and practice. Devices, procedures, protocols all try to catch and fix complexities and take advantage.

Arousal - Attention - Question - Do either Do - Emotion - Question - Care

"Learning Machine:

  1. Avoid contact with objects wander aimlessly,
  2. Explore the world,
  3. Build an internal map
  4. Notice changes in the environment,
  5. Formulate travel plans,
  6. Anticipate and modify plans accordingly".

Learning and knowledge processes, neither can be seen absolute, stable and anyway positive ('never critizing'): complexity and uncertainty maintained switches signs in various ways and memories cannot stay fully integral, and forgiveness are both unconscious as well as conscious, formal and informal. Even when corpus of science looks like supporting that 'whole evidenceof eterminism'. Managing it properly, insteat of caring too much the means of authority and of reproduction of priviledges, is essential. "Considering 2 periods overlapping generations economy, in which individual work in both periods and acquire skills when young, through both learning-by-doing and formal education. The unique saddle-path stable steady state of wanting to be economy shows that individuals spend either too much either too little time in formal education; when the economy is dynamically inefficient (or, less often, efficient). "Overeducation may be linked to overaccumulation of physical capital. The social planners decentralize the golden rule by issuing public debt when the laissez-faire economy is dynamically inefficient (efficient); so there is no room for education policy in the absence of social externalities in the process of skill acquisition".

It is to give knowledgeable importance to the pathways and diversities, even when curves of trajectories look like the same, the support under, the volumes and the thickness, the contains and environment of curves are relevant. "The notion of optimality is often invoked informally in the literature on metacognitive control. A formulation of the optimization problem shows that optimal time allocation strategies depend critically on certain characteristics of the learning environment, such as the extent of time pressure, and the nature of the uptake functions. When the learning curve is concave, optimality requires that items at lower levels of initial competence be allocated greater time. On the other hand, with logistic learning curves, optimal allocations vary with time availability in complex and surprising ways. Hence there are conditions under which optimal strategies will be intuitive and easy to learn, and others in which they will be considerably more complicated. Therefore to address the question of whether and when learners should be able to exercise good metacognitive control in practice".

"Converting-process could be articulated in 4 phases:

  1. Socialisation tends to learning as knowledge transfer from one agent to another, sharing and creating tacit knowledge through direct experience (tacit to tacit knowledge),
  2. Externalisation tends to learning as the capability to produce new relevant pieces of knowledge, articulating tacit knowledge through dialogue and reflection (tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge),
  3. Combination tends to ? learning as knowledge improvement, systemizing and applying explicit knowledge and information (tacit plus explicit knowledge into new knowledge),
  4. Internalisation tends to? learning as absorption capability, acquiring new tacit knowledge in practice (explicit knowledge to tacit knowledge, but also absorption of tacit knowledge from outside)".

"Social learning systems:

  1. Engagement make things done together, everyday routine; - imagination gives creating an imagine of yourself and your community, self-consciousness,
  2. Alignment gives sharing experience with other that can contribute with their efforts - “Learning at the boundaries",
  3. “Identity”. Wenger finds 3 dimensions of the boundary effects:
  4. Coordination helps discriminate what is really useful to the organisation,
  5. Transparency helps make easier the access to the boundary,
  6. Negotiability helps find an equilibrium between the powers of the actors involved".

"Cooperative process of knowledge creation can observe:

  1. Heterogeneity of people in their state of knowledge is essential for successful cooperation in the joint creation of new ideas, while
  2. The very process of cooperative knowledge creation affects the heterogeneity of people through the accumulation of knowledge in common".

"Featuring myopic agents in a pure externality model of interaction. In a two person case, shown equilibrium process tending to result in the accumulation of too much knowledge in common compared to the most productive state. Unlike the two-person case, in the four person case it have been shown that the equilibrium process of knowledge creation may converge to the most productive state". While may be what can miss too theoretical studies are the models on knowing and lying, or ignoring or making fallacies or pretending to make arts true sciences".

Look at Real Information: Environmental

"Wojciechowski’s “laws” are statements of fundamental aspects arising from his ecological knowledge.

  1. The number and the variety of causes of stress are proportional to the amount of knowledge;
  2. The perception of complexity of the consequences of knowledge is proportional to the development of knowledge;
  3. The knowledge of knowledge is a function of a general development of knowledge;
  4. The size and complexity of the problematic of knowledge is proportional to the general level of knowledge;
  5. Thought induces change;
  6. Humans’ ability to determine the development of humanity is proportional to their knowledge;
  7. All other things being equal, the complexity of involvement of the individual with external reality is proportional to the amount of knowledge he or she possesses;
  8. Physical mastery of nature is proportional to the active, intellectual subordination of it;
  9. There exists interdependence between the size of the human group, the amount of communications within the group, the spread of intersubjectivity of the knowledge construct and the progress of knowledge;
  10. The need for communication is proportional to the size of the society, the number of groups within the society and the amount of knowledge available;
  11. The need of humans to understand themselves is proportional to the level of their knowledge and their demiurgic capacities.
  12. Rational activity is proportional to knowledge. And its corollary;
  13. The efficiency of rational activity is proportional to knowledge;
  14. The need to understand the Existential system of man is proportional to the level of knowledge;
  15. The size and complexity of the existential system of man are proportional to the level of rational activity;
  16. The impact of the existential system of man on humans is proportional to its nature-size and complexity;
  17. The level and complexity of human life and problems are proportional to the existential system of man;
  18. The satisfaction with the existential system of man is inversely proportional to the capacity to change it;
  19. The development of a society is proportional to its storage and use of information;
  20. The potential for the development of knowledge is proportional to the existing knowledge;
  21. An intellectual construct always retains a noetic role;
  22. The level of the material support system for knowledge has to be proportional to the level of knowledge;
  23. The number of peoples in need of help is proportional to the level of knowledge and the ability to act;
  24. The moral problematic is proportional to the knowledge construct and to the power to act;
  25. The capacity to do good or evil is proportional to knowledge.
