Open Mind on Complexities of Practice
Quantity Ordeal
Once stopped to think that any 2 subjects or amounts, different or almost exactly the same, according perspective and circumstances. Interest may not be accounted exactly the same way, up to infinity. so we can start to mind better which way to account and design our close algebra, to reflect adapted and appropriated operations, as we are.
One can open its mind to manage similarities (but complicatedly complete) and discrepancies (nor complete). Whatever to operate, it is to examine carefully alternative sorts of quantified behaviors, different interests and concerns. Then set conditions of algebra, simple but also confused and mixed ones. Since these or relaxing conditions and their limits so the window(s) of appliance and criteria. If "projecting for the ground" (predicting), reductions or simplifications are late steps in the process of design: after proper identifications and definitions (themselves not since the top). Without excluding alternative hypothesis too soon, to qualify and quantify. These skills are really art of matters.
Observe that many "normal practices" ignore ordeal of quantification. This is not a good way for shaping or structuring. Theories pay too much attention in setting definitions and pretend them perfect, whatever the culture(s) and the circumstances. Leaders think others should better accept everything blindly, especially when well intentionned. To them to fit their behaviors and play according what they say. Whatever their real anchors to local life consistencies, where concessions are formal or conventional in a process of negociation. Negociation which purpose is more to obtain a something more, less blind, than an agreement on definitions. Baises that turned the main skill of 'leaders'. In many cases, what they say are simply non consistent abstracts. Where it would be better not to have just one definition. Say for exemple with many abstracts of economics. It is better not to have a unique unavoidable definition, because: avoidance, heterogeneity, discrepancies, varying sense of needs or various utilities lower tensions and counterbalance speculative dynamics.
Now, the proper way to control the abuses of qualifications, wordy inflations and biased interpretations can consist to show consistency in practical commitments, care properties and put in evidence quantifications. Be these quantifications not only cardinal or ordinal. To help to consider logic of quantity, value things en persons and so on. This is a good way to make science. See if you can set the problem, consider various algebras, design solutions, calculate numbers, find solutions, discuss results, valid then, for once or a short period.
Reservoir of Speculative Quantitative Games
It is also to put many of these procedures as close as possible to reality. Consider common sense evidence, as this is often according what people do. This "quantization" is something that we have to do faster and better. In these days, reductions can, sophisticatedly, distorting and be dressed as virtual complexities. To avoid prejudgments and shortcuts imposed by executive summary of "greedy selfish speculative entrepreneurs" or from whom live on martingales: a catch-grab game drived by omnipotent leaders and omniscient deciders. Their reductions are designed to ignore most consistent contructions. Their "martingales" organize main social flows, short derived toward their profits. Have in mind that best free riders are coincidentally best dirty players within public "flows of support to values".
Out reductionism, more complicated logics with limited effects are now available with many developments. Despite and yet not explicitly, in common logical practice. Sophisticated and poorly taught, no attention is given to them. Often they are involved only when they look able to serve some existing martingale (political, financial or for-profit-technology) of the sort we mentioned, for reproduction of biased social competition. Alternative logics are partly included in what is called 2nd order logics. They interest us by the way when they can be computarized or handilly managed, included in programs supporting collective collaborative but protagonic actions in humane solutions.
Today many non reductive quantization ressources exist, as for example multivalued logic. This one typically supports quantic mechanics and quantic mechanics is important to explain many things of our physical and chemical world. Intuitivelly its' formal combination of qualitative or discrete configurations (qualified states), together with quantitative and specific forms of statistical distributions can ground many speculative (wrong or good) exercises. Out financist definition, speculation is also a human characteristic: not all bad neither wrong. No doubt that sooner or later financial bets will take their methods there: when pure stochastic differential models of present time, will be fully disqualified. Since they have not been efficient as shown by today financial markets instability. But applied to technological situations, in a ethical way, they could be helpful.
Many sophisticated but also essential modern developments of "theoretical" mathematics and logics have found applications in artificial intelligence, expert systems and so on. By side of quantities' operations or algebras, other mathematical ressources are with logic of algebraic structures. Starting with the theory of sets and algebraic logical structures like groups, rings or fields. These include properties and constraints that often limit the extravagant way we use perfect, up to infinity cartesian operations (with analytic differential Newton infinitesimal calculus): rigid and non soft short realistic algebra. Modern mathematics have been well impulsed, but gave the lesson that "not everything is a set". Still there are plenty of concepts and structure from Set theory, that can be useful. Many willing to turn alternative concepts of quantification already exist and wait for they turn, sometimes since decades. Olicognography aim is suggesting to be collectivelly able; while not to turn everyone specialists of modern mathematics, but reach enough intuitive balance rather than as actually ignore and hate formal serious expressions (of mathematics and logics) by most while abusing them in undemocratic speculations.
Slowly, applications of "blurred methods" diffuse in profane applications. Looking more as abstract truisms rather than intuitively and cognitively used for humanity's sake. Their are increasingly quoted but still as excuses of models failures rather than active in dynamic interfaces at the service of designs of socially useful programs. Part of their problem of incorporation is because, formalism (of any kind) tends to purify they concepts for one's own mandarinal sake, specialized developments of only one logical system at once. Still many problems of articulation of coordination of concepts on quantification stay ignored or avoided. Many new logical systems intent to apply comprehensivelly to too many and abstract kinds of problems in a pure way. Digital precision seems to support their mispecifications while loosing the challenge of plastic identifications. Meanwhile, it seems to us, that human brain, flexible and apparently unruled deterministically use intuive concepts of the sort; without caring much purity of formalism.
Mixing and confusing, as far as it does not help egotistic and indvidualistic goals, characterize cognitive processes, could bring relative truth in domains of applications, care better conditions and limits, help to incorporate and articulate. We still do not know how to avoid formal specialist arbitrage in the election of methods. There are still many efforts to do, to clear the epistemology of qualification and quantification. In a way that could enhance care of practical common sense of any citizen. With due respect, this common sense is plastic and can change and be adapted and appropriated.
Practice of Applied Complexities
It would be a great achievment of practical managment of complexity that, by side of preventing humans rigidities, there could be enough precisions in products provided by systems of information. So, coincidentally, these systems could bring enough consistent information, to most necessary humane issues. Providing at the same time documentation and suggesting criteria that could satisfy legitime actors users. These systems of information should be enough robust, time-saving and essential to cover most practical issues and suggest ... when expertise can be needed, could be optimum and how.
Computed intelligence can provide with any kind of modelling and simulations, but just to inflate virtual reality. This often looks like, in forms and patterns, quite real, but still should not be used to justify human speculative needs: predict, anticipate and suggest better. Their real problem could be in how much of democratic participation they can incorporate and preserve the agreed collective models from non democratic bias. Also, ar far as possible, to include scientific essential knowledge required for having a good probability of social utility success of social entreprise. Modesty and wiser ambitions are required. Rather than so much arrogance in social or economics macro prospects . Speculative approaches mix too often wrongdoings of "certainties". More anchors to normal lived issues, like humane real economy, are needed. Real economy where humane sense could matter more, than unfair and forced international distributions of artificial goods and services as well as labor facilities producing inequalities.
Stil there are enough new methodological ressources to feed any sorts of bad exercises for "good relevant deciders - leaders - and naives populations". This ofsets the balances of time, enhances macrogeopolitical and industrial buzzer-crusher-wheezer. Mastodons against modest wealth and safer well beings. On methods, even if olicognography could look like opening Pandora's Box to free too many sorts of methodological freaks and monsters, waiting their time for disturbing honnest naive citizens' nights. We think that measuring and dispersing proper pedagogic interfaces are dramatically required. Conceptual tools that can help exploration of information and serious treatment of real complexities.
This also requires systemics practices of our brain ressources: less commanded by norms of "rational expectations" that come simply from greedy speculations (after having been motivated by humanistic recovery). That is somehow free from many expertise (unwiselly pretending to be scientific), it is for everyones to play our citizens' papers in a better way and found objective learning effects in collective dedications.
Methods for making things in a different ways there are plenty. Still they need articulation, confusion and mixing. As well as frameworks that could help choice in metaheuristics. Some fundamental questions are required on how and for what they are used, dedicated to individualistic fruitfull speculations called in fact "serious buoysiness" which take advantage of paradigms to irrespect them. Neither it is clear if deterministic approach, in the state of common abuse or ignorance or methods - we are collectivelly exposed - to doubt of direct more social issues. Speaking and be conscious of something like poverty, inequalities, lack of justice are abstracts, put treatment in practice require more consistently applied approaches.
Fundamental questionning of method may have to do something treatment of methods in a "pure way". This "purification" is set to easy calculus, but if some essential physics can effectively be managed that purified way, diversity within the shadow of mainstructure is almost certainly not pure. To observe that actually too the ignorance of determinism makes that even pure formal treatment is wrongly managed in most humane issues (it has more objective enormous impacts from technological issues, whatever humanelly wise they are).
So the difficulty to understand olicognography complicated consistency is about the enormous length of a reasonnable formalization of "productive models" respect to the amount of scientific knowledge. How to include in the perspective humane criteria. This is often mentioned by honnest modellers as the conditions their mathematical proposals, turning when ignored the main defects of reductionism. Making too simple models picturing one or the other special properties, could be evidenced in a simulation of pure experiment. This explains why simplified or reduced conventionnal models may look like well sticking to past series while always stay too often surprised by prospective instabilities. Consistent and necessary formalism could be reduced at a more manageable local level, say like social - regional processes concerned by their own precautions. While macro models are too abstracted, when not dangerously empowering unecessary rigidities and structuralinertia. The sort of defects that could ground malignant catastrophic effects. Put an extraordinary mathematical genius perfectly democratic and public wealth prone and - a geopolitician well cynical, dictatorial and miserably speaking "as an expert of things completely useless", on front of audience and you can be almost sure that the one well eared will not be the most respectable one.