Soil PhysicoChemical Classification (nfm) |
group |
grain size |
composition |
Name |
Factors influencing Magnitude & Rate of Volume of Change |
sedimen -tary |
clastic |
appreciable quantity of grains more than 2 mm diameter |
rounded pebbles in medium graines matrix |
conglomerate |
Factor |
Description |
angular coarse rock fragments, often quite variable |
Breccia |
Composition of solids |
A high percentage of active clay minerals include montmorillonites and miwed layer combination or it and other clay minerals that promote volume change |
more than 50% of grains are 0.06 - 2 mm diameters |
Medium quartz grain |
less than 10% of other minerals |
siliceous sandstone |
appreciable quantity of clay minerals |
argillaceous sandstone |
appreciable quantity of calcite |
calcareous sandstone |
Concentration of pore fluid |
high concentration cations in the pore fluid tend to reduce the magnitude of volume change: swell from osmosis can be significant over long periods of time |
appreciable quantity of iron oxide cement |
ferruginous sandstone |
over 25% felspar, less than 75% quartz |
arkose |
Composition of pore fluid |
Prevalence of monovalent cations increase shrink-swell, divalent & trivalent cations inhibit shrink-swell |
10-50% felspar and darker minerals, 30 - 60% quartz |
gravvache |
> 50% of grains 0.002 - 0.05 mm diameter |
fine to very fine grains with clays minerals |
siltstone (if laminated claystone |
Dry density |
high initial dry densities result in closer particles spacing and larger swells |
predominantly grains less than 0.002 mm diameter |
microscopic clay minerals |
less than 10% other minerales |
shale if net laminated claystome |
appreciable calcite |
calcareous shale |
Structure |
flocculated particles tend to swell more than dispersed particles, cemented particles tend to reduce swell, fabrics that slake readily may promote swell |
appreciable carbonaceous material |
carbonaceous shale |
appreciable iron oxide cement |
ferruginous shale |
Ground water |
fluctuating and shallow water table (less than 6m from ground surface) provide a source of moisture for heave |
organic |
variable |
calcite and fossils |
ferruginous shale |
carbonaceous material |
fossiliferrous limestone |
Drainage |
poor surface drainage leads to moisture accumulation or ponding |
chemi cal |
microscopic |
calcite |
limestone |
dolomite |
dolomite |
Field permeability |
fissures significantly increase permeability and promote faster rates of swell |
Quartz |
chert, flint, etc. |
Iron compounds with quartz |
Iron |
Vegetative cover |
trees, shrubs & grasses are conducive to moisture depletion by transpiration, moisture tends to accumulate beneath areas denuded of vegetation |
Halite |
rock salt |
gypsum |
rock gypsum |
meta- morphic rocks |
Folia -tion |
coarse crystalline & banded |
coarse crystalline |
medium crystalline |
fine to microscopic crystalline |
Confinement |
Larger confining pressures reduce swell: cut areas are more likely to swell than filled areas; lateral pressure may not equal vertical overburden pressures |
foliated |
gneiss |
schist:talc, chlorite, hematite, etc. |
phyllite |
slate |
non foliated |
marble, quartzite, serpentine, scapstone |
marble, quartzite, serpentine, scapstone |
mornfels, anthracite coal, marble, quartzite, serpentine, scapstone |
Soil Hydrology and Weathering |
Description of Typical Weathering Profile |
Swell potential ad Atterberg Limits |
Zone |
Description |
RQD (NX core percent) |
% core recovery (NX core) |
Reltive permeability |
Relative strength |
index property |
Swelling potential |
I Residual soil |
1A - A horizon |
top soil, roots, organic material zone of leaching & elluviation may be porous |
- |
0 |
medium to high |
low to medium |
low |
Medium |
High |
1B - B horizon |
- clay enriched, accumulation of Fe, Al, Si, may be cemented, no relict structures present |
- |
0 |
low |
low but high if cemented |
liquid limit |
30 - 40 |
40 - 55 |
55 - 90 |
1C - C horizon |
- relick rock, silty grading to sandy material - <10% core stones, often micaceous |
0 or not applicable |
generally 0 - 10% |
medium |
low to medium (relict structures significant) |
plastic limit |
15 - 20 |
20 - 30 |
30 - 60 |
II Weathered |
IIA transition: from residual or saprolite to partly weathered rock |
- highly variable, soil or rock like - fines to coarse sand - 10 - 90% core stones - spheroidal weathering common |
variable, generally 0 - 50% |
variable generally 10 - 90% |
high (water losses common) |
medium to low where waste and relict structures are present |
shrinkage liimit |
35 - 25 |
25 - 14 |
14 - 8 |
IIB partly weathered rock |
- rock like, soft to hard, - joints stained to altered - somme alteration of feldspars & micas |
generally 50 - 75% |
generally > 90% |
medium to high |
medium to high |
free swell |
20 - 40 |
40 - 70 |
70 - 180 |
unweathered rock |
- no iron stains to trace long joints - no weathering of feld- & micas |
> 75% gene-rally >90% |
generally 100% |
low to medium |
very high |