Prepare Future and Transform
Design Project and Decide
At the end of your life you may have to prepare to get back to dust. So why be concerned by your future out the religious' hopes of most ? Even if secular it will be to look backward and mind if all that worth what you have done. Another concern will be with how you want stay in others' mind, as for the ones you care for, children and so on.
On the road, sustainability prepare the future. If much does not depends just on you, what you can appreciate consists in having after each period of commitment enough good positive options so as go on with your way, passing by and enjoy your journeys. So what sort of preparation you can make for, any improbable future ? - be able also to catch any good opportunity and cope with next "obstacle". The chan-zen philosopher will say, just think that there are no obstacles and pass away around.
In simple economics of decision 'basic issue' in mechanism design is how truthfully elicit private and decentralized information in order to achieve some private or social objective. The task of the principal is to design a game of incomplete information in which the agents have an incentive to reveal the information. The optimal design depends on some common prior which the principal and the agents share about the types of the agents. Common theoretical analysis begins with a given common prior, often over a small set of types, and then analyzes the optimal mechanism with respect to this prior. Yet, the details of the specified environment incorporated in the common priori are rarely available to the designer in practice. Pratically also consider how decision making can be made, alone or comitees or juries by votes or other general mechanism".
"Condorcet Jury theorem states, in its traditional form; that decision making in juries under majority rule outperforms decision making by any single individul and as the number of participating voters increases the probability of the correct social decision converges to one. But in general with incomplete and progressive information it is not in the interest of an individual juror to vote in accordance with their private signal. Another property of jury design under costly information acquisition is that the voting rule is efficient given the information acquired by the jury members".
In complex reality any design or project is more effective if all the society can help it solve spontaneously positivelly most issues; as soon as the problem appeared, at best without painfull adjustments for any or losses and/or adverse effects minimum. Avoiding the most problematic costs those that can affect what your basic means or your integrity. At the minimum it is your own life or its sustain but, quite often, people have missed the whole picture: the very beginning of hard life survival or, at end, that afterall, they will take nothing important into their graves (just let pain behind). So they can be very careless with the consequences of rejections of projects and transformations, they even may have not experienced the fragility of life.
Transformations could be the purpose of any human activity related to small or large use of ressources provided or taken from the environment and transformed by the reshaping of environment.
Set some abstract at the respect say like having:
- A maximum balance of neguentropy feed by entropy so as the seemingly have the best potential of benefits extracted from the social, natural or inert environments
- Clear in mind the mimimum of configuration for the most sustainable future (optimum of potential derivation for self moral and material future)
- As far as possible reached enough variety of options (to satisfy sense of freedom).
Even if disturbed by our arguments observe that there is possibly 3 sorts of complex technical programs: 1) as maximin, 2) minimax and 3) average/most feasable. Meanwhile technically there can be circularity since one passing by to others. Also think this first provision have not introduce much more information (water use, space constraints, special costs that we will work upcoming months to make correction of numbers provided here and deliver more of them within some months, including, I hope, some indications of methods for weighting connectivity and location.
The maximum first is the traditional view on crude maximization of benefits (and/or risks) but should stay under control of "potential". Potential is an uncertain anticipation and manageability of a balance between destructive trend (entropy) of what you transform and constructive one (neguentropy). Remind that as human there is never a start from nothing, neither certainty for everything.
The minimum of second pilar sets as precautionnary minimum of all what is needed to cope with most situation of existence (say like tools and means) providing the maximum ability to cope with expected and unexpected situations. Otherwise to have minimum risks, minimum costs and so on. Like in any processes of simple explorations and transformations it would be good, but not always, in complex things, doing the minimum can be the best option, the one you would prefer: the risk is not lower just because you ignore it. Beside to commit oneself into practical issues if we think that some proper coping can prepare with self-training, appropriate your environment (at some safe range) and to adapt fast to react to situations. There is also here circularity as in a replicator since it has 3 dimensions. Imagine that it is never the same complexity make situations and simplifications whatever the circumstances faced by a project.
With the curves of change of a real state or "unrolling the 3 strands of the rope, I suggested to consider during periods of transformations 3 kinds of dynamics or curves of transform say:
- An energetic one similar to a biochemical curve of transformation (& energy of activation)
- A curve of material production (CES as in economics or Verhulst's one as in biology)
- An information's curve like an S or other bifurcations.
If we want a coincidence and meaningfull pathways one we may have to:
- Include a learning effect on energetic - thermodynamic curves, include inputs from environment and work on the margin, since reason of energy to matter does not play at 100% (at our level of speed) the way we would like,
- Include an hysterisis effect to material-products curve, so to equal to energetic curve + learning effect with matter transformations + losses + hysterisis,
- Have the pathways of transformations of information from one structure of matter state to next one (quantitative meaning of transformations ?) & start frame of energetic lability of frame to one final energetic lability of frame (qualitative - reactivity meaning of transformations ? ).