Attitudes and Focus
Basic Olicognograph: Behave for
Attitudes and Spirit of Entreprise
Atittudes, as concepts carried by individuals, have an origin in sociology and could set the collections (more or less structured) of appearent or hidden motivations driving strategies and behaviors, especially supporting actions in societies. They produce ways of praxis or procedures thought to lead effects toward results. Behaviors as perceived by any, according their frames of rules, to behave according cultural understandings and admitted purposes. Behaviors as cultural patterns have some sense of appearing to make according the rules, meanwhile driving social transformations, conscious, unconscious (and misunderstood).
Behaviors prefer sense of convictions. Most people would prefer to behave according atittudes and convictions and without social constraints nor limits from environment. This is where is the paradoxe: if we want to behave with unlimited constraints, the same constraints are the reasons why we want to act: overtake them. Make it in a social way may imply to behave in a conventional or commonly accepted way: according the rules so as to be allowed to transform. Since most entreprises are somehow processing material and resources, to transform a state or adapt an environment may have to do it with lowered limits, potentially overuse ressources or engage limited ones.
Attitudes stand often for conceptual postures: for what you want to look like, selfishly and to others. Constraints have their good reasons, often containing the experience and limits, cautions and precautions of what worked before. They create a sort of general climate of entreprise, behaviors that exists. Meanwhile, considering the practical humane property of freedom, as the main the expression of weakness in physical immediate properties, shoudl allow to think alternatives of 'superior will', able to transform and engineer an environment (that is intelligence it) more appropriated to willingness. It is to complete this expression or objection of higher selfish-will by the issue that the alternative anticipation should end in better effects and higher benefits for all the community as concerned and involved by the project.
Since the times humans started to acts according this sort of intelligent freedom with the collective power of societies, things have been complicated by the diversity of social status and socially landscaped structures. They have been filled with plenty of ambiguities, experienced many cultural forms of expression and often overmultiplied regulations. For example, plenty of societies have lost or are poorly moved by free spirits of enterprise.
Societies define but in a blurred way, the conditions, means, borders and limits of expression of "free spirit of entreprise". That happens when you have plenty of interests alongside to maintain status quo and divert values: like privileges, unfair but efficient ways to gain rewards with few efforts, societies of leisure well biasing the mainframe of relative advantages or of common utilities. Burocratic societies producing social frames for well placed rent-seekers extractors of advantages and so on.
Meanwhile not all these rigidities have unfair purpose of reduction. Regulations and rules help to assignate to priorities, better them to be essentials. Redistributions are required care they have the purpose to maintain as far as possible in the social games of values and social sustainable effective productions. Care that minimal waste (especially according ecosystemic thermodynamic impacts) is made; whatever the availability of ressources none should be wasted. Observe nevertheless that essential values are often underscored in privileged, capricious society of frivolous consumption, making harder to preserve the humane sustainability of the society over the gains of compulsions and addictive-like distorsions. Since societies also shape their systems of values to self-justify the transformations that gave them benefits from wrong means.
Synthesis to Focus
Doing with social issues can start with simple enunciates, but develop and detail much activities, project, programs creating another complex flow. Simplity of preliminar goals should not mistake that what is done deductively is to develop complex streams flows within complex others, shaped by reality, natural environment processes and anthropogenic ones keeping in mind that very often the resources of anthropogenic ones are taken from the natural ones, and/or the natural ones to preserve for future generation, opportunities as well as representing naturally the best optimum that could be made for life beings.
Restructuring and framing natural complexities using sites and place, natural ressources renewable or not so easilly recycled for another complex issues of artificial world has like the philosophy of many martial arts, use the strength power and potential of other phenomena to derived them toward local issues meanwhile wisefully you will be revealed that overall you are part of a whole unit(s) of nature.
But locally you need sense of synthesis, open mind of environmental opportunities, and relative material-energetic-informative maps. Push or pull projects or development require sense of synthesis (analytical side) and sense of focus or concentration; properly distributing efforts so as to have dynamic in transformations. This involving as much as essential knowledge as well as the local proper social means to make it in an intelligent way. Despite that, major technological means and high consumption of resources crush with no difficulties and plenty of cynicism many local social and natural balanced and sustainable situations.
Sense of focus has both static and dynamic meanings in what you point at, reduce for, select with or summarize to. There is a sense of convergence toward positive benefits with more or less flexibility: if money turn the only gauge of value you may loss all benefit from cooperation admitted for more anchored values: work, living conditions. A project or program typically adopt a form to express that making difficult to develop the alternatives of benefits, diversity of options and strategies it can support, and so on.
Present projects or programs with flexibility, tolerance of diversity of understanding and of management of means, can still be misperceived by surrounders, partners in any other social environment. All hope to receive same "fair treatment" of interest but all differ when thinking about others' benefits. It may waste plenty of time our fair but still individually specified should be the benefits of many people. Social cultural patterns can be necessary to take into account if you want to have business with, while not forcing reactions.
As a structuralist evidence there is, as usual, in all systems of thought about any problems of complex networks, as far as you can embrace diversity, heterogeneity and polymorphism and different time. Then what can create social movment, leverage, appropriate points for pull, push, stire and reframe toward what you expect from a social project or a technical project turned social require to involve much direct and rigorous authority in the path management of the project or program. This would be called leadership but such simple label covers plenty of misunderstanding; at least just because global (fake culture) use it as a substitute to already existing vernacular terms. But is the concept should also be a complex working key-word, to picture, put as ideograph or olicognograph than transformed specified and defined locally.
Traits critical to leaders: • Adaptable to situations • Alert to social environment • Ambitious and achievement-orientated • Assertive • Cooperative • Decisive • Dependable • Dominant (desire to influence others) • Energetic (high activity level) • Persistent • Self-confident • Tolerant of stress • Willing to assume responsibility.
Skills critical to leaders: • Clever (intelligent) • Conceptually skilled • Creative • Diplomatic and tactful • Fluent in speaking • Knowledgeable about group task • Administrative ability • Persuasive • Socially skilled.