Operating Modulii
This olicognograph may be a bit old. The prupose was to overview the sort of shape to give basically to complex operations treated in a modular way, like pieces that give a status of sub-units somehow logically together. Modulus conceived as a 'monoid'. Take care that not being neither mathematician, neither logician we can be 'visually' inspired by such sort of concepts not obeying properly to rigorous mathematical definition. Intuitive logic more informal rather than formal, may be this can be considered as a first draft for further exploration.
At the center the intuitive meaning of an 'operated monoid', inspired by a monome mathematics formula shows successively a sign (giving the direction, a scalar (putting at some level of scale we called here 'inner scale', since an outer scale is later provided by a number, after an addition operation, not given here because eventually another monoid, but the a little bold square is put after the monoid to say that: something follows and operate). 'Variable' is our unknown, mathematics use symbols (often x, y, z). Often also the innner scale is part of the unknown (mathematics symbols often greek letter) . Writing of variable meaning that there is a question or a problem. Then exponent called 'dimension' or degree follows and close (?) the 'monoid'. Pieces of 'monoid' are related by innner operations posed as small bold geometric figures (2 rounds, one diamond) and the above mentionned bold little square one. Not prejudging of operations
Having put this core concept, but not think it enough, as a first exploration. We intent to put around some basic four formal-formula concepts along a centripetal arrow as many series as we can of formal register. The result may look like weird, but interesting. Pointing the arrow to a term of register ('terms analysis', 'operations analysis', 'functional analysis'). On one side of any arrow a 'static concept' on the other side an 'operator'. The aim is not to be right but to use analogy, structural principle, explore fast. Mistakes there are. We will try to make corrections in the future. May be there could be more than 4, but we already have mentioned the intuitive relevancy of cardinal four.