States, Steps and Existing
Basic Olicognograph: Life Being within Food Webs
Formal Unit and State of Critical Existence
In the frame of arguments, having started at a minimum of more than 2 values with an upper limit for the number or tallness of values must not be too high. You have to bear in mind the calculability of quantified formulas, the comprehension of “superior” higher logic and practical feasibility. This explains why we naturally prefer to refer or converge toward reality’s dimensions (3–D + time), like using these mathematical objects that are quaternions or hamiltonians of 4D. Avoid more then 6 values at one step, layer, or level of organization. Also, divide, delegate, equilibrate and suggest (democratic) reductions when options are between 5 and 9, special properties allowing to get back to "universal pivot" (where roles can switch: coefficients, variables, exponents, signs).
A ternary system is a 3-valued logic. Some such logic having already been formalized. Consider triliance in many olicognographs. Possibly this is like taking into account of doubt, manage fuzzy logic, options in strategies played in games or slight differences, all start with 3 values. Any second order logic, at least implicitly, contains it. There is some advantages of ternary logic as a base in computing and algebra, but do as mentioned consider a pivot. For so many olicognographs start with three-value subsets (or few more)—as a minimum for questioning.
There, we can introduce complexity as a complex dual or binary sets like making "the simple" the first element of a pair (the primal in a program, or elementary emerging unit, etc.). Then the remains, residual or the whole the complex, more or less approximated. For an example in a social register, the relatively simple unit could be the individual (like you) and the other the largest unit (like society, your family, or any group to which you belong). This perspective has implications in socio-economical modeling. You may think then that reductions and simplifications are democratic rights (without forcing others). Under this way considers natural complexity and social freedom looks copable.
In the fundamental physics thinking there are plenty of details missed by common education which could help analogies to be wiser. See for example representation, not with points (gravity center) summarizing everything but: volumic mass of points (hamiltonians) which constitutive point has characteristic speeds, not the same if not solids systems; and where space of multiple bodies (not only binary relevant); heterogeneous interactive spaces and so on. You may so understand better proper formulation of ground physical-material level and less simple analogies, if you want to use them as economical concepts, like in models of economical geography, logistics, and so on.
Now once considered this formal level of minimum "volume of unit of any modelling structure" you have to immerse it into reality and there also nothing is created, in our ground Earth from nothing, but imported, emerging and transformations. This ought also to be apply to abstract concepts which seems, with the development of complex science and despite the conventional explorations, already with modelled properties, may be because they have been more devices and small pieces of simulations not properly incorporated in a corpus of arragements of products of formal methods of management involving mixtures and combinations (some multiscales already exist in fundamental physics) meanwhile the oversimplistics reductions of economics are still arguing against the common complex sense of human rationnality and the need for unfair reductions. For example as reductionism of neoliberalism havve made against schools of economics.
Now with much criticism to them and more widely with social sciences it is to observe: 1) Dialectic reactions paradoxical in their ambition to root themselves on "holism" but staying narrow selection of methods and with poor "transcendental" ambition. 2) Explorations of explainations linked to complexity's stanzas and effects, in the hope that one causal mechanism could explain just one effect (or the blessing of one - mine - concept , 3) Refoundations with renewed covering of tautological concepts trying to service some magical business (miracle) concept but increasingly no more then a remixture (in these arts). Circular processes pretending to the path of renewal of paradigm (walk of fame), sometimes interrupted by the idea that the time of the chaos of no paradigm may have come as the millenarist fear of believers. Circle as imagined in the following olicognograph.
"What we suggest is that the charge of ‘timeless’ neoclassical models should be rejected because the critics’ arguments are based on 2 fundamental mistakes. They confuse conceivably false (dynamic) statements which may happen to be true at all points on time's fringe with tautological statements which are true at all points in time only because they cannot conceivably be false. Also they fail to distinguish between a single statement (e.g., a model’s solution) which may be a timeless logical relation, and the logical consistency of a specific joint logical relationship such as the one between the values of all the endogenous variables and the time-based truth of the statements of the values of the exogenous variables. This latter mistake has probably been the major source of misunderstanding about the alleged timelessness if any of its parts is not a tautology. Eliminating the dilemma would appear to be a simple matter of adding knowledge (or ‘expectations’), say, to Wald’s model. This approach seems to (have been) popular among (neoliberal) theorists... But, we argue, if knowledge or its acquisition process is treated as another exogenous or statically given variable, then the problem of explaining dynamics remains. Similarly, no model that requires an individual to have the benefits of a correct economic theory: real time must matter. Furthermore, we noted, the primary means of explaining the existence of disequilibria is the recognition of ‘expectational errors’ which are in turn the result of dealing with real time. This is where the reconciliation rests – right. More Framed Units' Cards to Open-Mindedly Intercept Real Trajectories"
"Cognitons proposed by Ferber: 1) Interaction: Percept (transmitted by external sensors) - Information (transmitted by another agent) - Decision (selecting action) - Request (transmitted to another agent) - Norm (imposed by the social organisation) 2) Representation: - Belief (representing states of the world and self) - Assumption (Possible representation not yet believed) 3) Conative: - Tendency (resulting from impulse or demand) - Impulse (Internal need coming from the conservative system) - Demand (External need resulting from request or percept) - Intention (Internal duty for decision) - Command (selecting decision) - Engagement (External constraint on decision) 4) Organisation: - Method (Set of rules and techniques to implement actions) - Task (Set of stages needed to implement action or method)".
Material Unit and Time as a Complex Construction
More complex is the system, more organized are the structures, and more divided and distributed is the energy it incorporates. A system can develop only if open. It is able to incorporate energy and matter from its environment. With live beings this comes with autopoiesis and the functions of replication or reproduction, especially of information, in the livable world. This has some sense for local short range reversibility via loops. Time if generally represented as a scale with a simple regular unit, not showing much, in the way of real constructions and relative meanings. It normalizes, standardizes or simplifies; but time is more complex. Some ideas to compose more complex signification are to examine different pictures. First of all, keep the regular scale in mind, then consider two complementary views.
First, with the long term, it is to be as analogous as below, in the short term. Also there is the need of verb (or action) to complete the sentence, like: “life expectancy of the highest complex unit of definition” of the object, implying at tha minimum a maintenance. Consider time here using intricated pieces (not necessarily all with the same regular form but variably inclusive). Second, for the short term, you can use a double conus (the two cones are contacting by their top, where the present. One cone represents the past and the other the future. The mid point can be a channel—at best its width fitting the minimal section of the highest complex value of the object, having or (better) making sense at that moment. In short, you have the 3 forms of time: 1) Arrow of regular time; 2) Lifetime duration within which complexity can follow the map (of an evolutionnary process: like a map of unit's biologicial information ) and developing its potential; 3) double conus as a match at present time, a piece within largest one, eventually reduced but reproducible by (re-same) specification.
The width and extend of the long term or life-time is the volume where some subject (figuratively) or analytical object develops and regresses. The unit of your object or model, you use may be as the general subject or some piece or phenomena corresponding to or depending from a larger one. Not only on itself, neither as using all the conceivable space. Imagine that the picture needs not to be as regular as a cube in the space, but a spindle in the space of the life's time, pointed as a present like with a double conus. In fundamental physics, double conus of time is its representation in Minkowski’s space (and some others). Look at astronomical applications of S. Hawkings' and R. Penrose's.
Oligo-interferences (power-cardinal) can oppose times' schedules, distort and bias. Take special care not to disturb too much people’s legitimate priorities, being the criteria to preserve their unit, - when programming requires it. You may even imagine to measure the degree of dictatorship according effects and distorsions resulting from times' schedules of social communities; compared to more essential ones: like hungry masses invited to applaud official entertainment. But perhaps this is possibly dietically and more sustainable (for environment) compared to obese people enjoying Rome's like circus maximus games, or as in plenty other civilizations turned to decadency.
Now, with developing complexities: those from which emerge complex new units, stay caring the essential biological ones as of human beings (as units) and for some reality's shapings consider sort of unit of modest abstract, to examine options and induce complexities still reminding the whole, that is overall effect on the sustaining environment. Some new ideas seems to be need which, for a start, could intuitively have been started formally like the concept of formulation of information as developed by Shannon's theory and relative formula, but to adapt to more than the binary form it has. Some interpretations of logarithm and symmetric properties of power function may be the way to explore patterns. One point is to care about a "logical complex balls" with properties of complex, contradictory unit (most ideographic scheme has that in mind). Physics' laws apply and thermodynamics balances should be consider, at least for comparing the wiser options or better least lesser wastefull ones.
... picture without providing more with some thoughts that are still under conception.
Formalize but do not miss Fields filled with Environments
In the wholistic sense of a set of collections of logical transformations, more or less developed for systemic-systematic intensified optimized uses, it is to include the environment(s), since we move from one to others. So a perspective of macro-unit has to consider the social scale, for example the minimum one where it is, potentially able, to have a good cover of the complex effects to consider (in a wholeness way). Something which, by side of ecology, needs to review practically, concepts of community, ecosystems, landscapes, individual, basic social sub-units as family, community and local to regional economics. All, despite their blurred difficulties ought to be also enough contrasted respect to neighboring ones (virgin island fully isolated are quite uncommon) and considered under different perspective, starting with trilliance: energetic - material - information (physics' one).
Then after refoundations, you may adapt traditional tools of social-economics; For example with Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) which "is a database that represents, consistently and in a matrix format, all the flows of goods, services, and income among all the agents in a (honnest unit) economy, during a reference period. As an analytical tool, SAMs became a good instrument available for studying the characteristics of economic development processes and key aspects and questions related to them. These matrixes were developed in the mid-1970s to provide systems of information that could be used to analyze employment opportunities and income distribution. Initially, they were constructed to assess economic links and policies in developing countries but they are now also used in developed countries, as an instrument for analyzing fiscal, trade and other policies. In short, the main reasons why SAMs are very interesting to use are:
- Their comprehensiveness: they reflect the total circular flow of the entire economy,
- Their consistency with Walrasian rule of general equilibrium; for all accounts.the total for the rows is identical to the total for the columns (a square block of balance of flows over a period does not necessarilly makes a wise sense of dynamics, but then the dynamic is care off the records by the way you act),
- Their transparency: they make it possible to objectively establish the socioeconomic structural relationships of the economy studied,
- Their flexibility: they can be used to develop Computable General Equilibrium Models (CGE) or to extend them, including demographic data or social and environmental indicators, or both. Thus, relevant additional modules can be introduced. (Know that nonlinear matrix programming have been developed too).
In a SAM, there are 6 kinds of accounts: activities, commodities, factors, institutions (households, firms and government), capital and the rest of the world. Think also with enhancement, empowerment and reinvestment. Life cycle costs can be minimized through:
- Compact and simple design, which is faster to construct and easier to maintain.
- Avoid complicated aesthetic forms especially if too soon but concerned by social and public margins of creativity (good freedom).
- Prefer the aesthetic of simplificity at the start, care not to accumulated changes slowly affecting good reasons of design, like the one concerning maintenance or safety.
- Remind that energy, electricity and waters are flows with variations of demand. They should not synchronize for disrupting.
- Use local and robust materials, machines and equipments that can be locally repaired.
- Care as far as possible that mechanisms be phenomenoloigic-able or explicit, and avoid technologies hard to believe.
With the ambition of wholeness it is to consider the sort of social project you have and its different kinds of formal supports or say the humane criteria that can "bails" or perturbate the sort of transformations selected among those producing less adverse effects to the environment.
- “Social utility” (in issues and appropriateness of means), perhaps to add: reasonably accepted by individuals,
- “Social economy” (minimum cost, unity of interpretation, social rules),
- “Human distance” (criteria of consistency and sufficiency)".
Of course, all this has to be designed in the sort of thermoeconomics we suggested. Having in mind sort of complex but shorter algebra required (they can be more simple by social network modular simplifications). Tasks turn complex and difficult, short models of behavioral change; helping to ensure the transformations. They may have to be conducted, anyhow with speculative convictions, but should be driven as cautious learning process. It is to hope that there are many possible wisefull simplifications with honnest humane conducts and delegation.
Finally questions related to strengthening community-based conservation may be: "1) Does the project allow for pluralism by recognizing a diversity of perspectives?. 2 ) Does the project foster the building of mutual trust among the parties?. 3) Does the project accommodate local, traditional, or indigenous knowledge?. 4) Does the project recognize a mix of methodological approaches and tools that allow for broad stakeholder participation and deliberation?. 5) Are there platforms for deliberation?. 6) Does the project use a diversity of modes of communication for deliberation?. 7) Does the project foster the development of different skills among stakeholders, particularly for those stakeholders who usually have been excluded or marginalized?. 8) Does the project undertake capacity building and development of skills for strengthening horizontal and vertical linkages?. 9) Does the project report back to the community and other parties on its findings?. 10) Has the project invested enough time and resources in capacity building, trust building, and mutual learning?".