General Introduction (August 2011)
This is a website dedicated to manage democratically essential knowledge useful to sustainable development. We also use an ideography logical balls called olicognographic for a visual management of ideas. This technique I invented, uses plenty of visually summarized information, made compact and reformatting key-concepts into maps, visual processes graphs, tables, schemes and drawings. Humanist's key assumptions of this ideographic management are:
- Local democracy, close to people, have the right to make most of their definitions; at community level, balancing them between essential knowledge - universal but flexibly specifiable, as hope to suggest this website - and local cultures; to framework logically their programs . And also as a way to catch better complexity of reality and sustainability.
- Complex management requires not to oversimplify or make it too soon, just in a legitimate way, by oneself. So let local actors assume their simplifications. To suggest some frameworks and expect legitimate actors to take advantage of the plasticity of designs, specifications of values alternative definitions with keywords, as they would prefer.
- Logical ideographs-olicognographs forsee that, creations, imitations, definitions, interactions need essential scientific knowledge, some clues and to respect more humane sustainable development with their common sense, not imposed by strange foreign reasons,
- As experimental, this website hopes to support also the development of software design of inteligent queries, apart from the screen display, reframe and reformat. As well as collect collaboration for filling databanks when at the same time explore intermediate space of democratic, noo overreducing methods of such management; where visual and graphical tools, logical interfaces are suspected to support the best of cognitive patterns and an economy of feelings needed by multiconnected flexible and free societies.
Specific ideographic intermediate forms developed for the purpose are called olicognographs. Where oli is for oligo: cardinal of general manageable parameters of parameters (eventually in multilevel modular hierarchies of structures of formal-functional properties), cogno is for knowledge (cognitive of recalling common sense and essential knowledge) and graphy for the visual display (that use the most powerful perception of human: vision). We seek a comprehensive methodology, inspired by an open mind humanism and by the multidisciplinary articulation of epistemologies.
Package 0: Future frame around (still not active) ? "the project"
This gives the ontological perspective of documents, interactive classification of documents, if future of development allows it. This website is still an individual one, aware that it should not stay private. Its core ambition is with synthesis, management suggestions and basic data for acting. The purpose is also to suggest the design of intelligent software starting since since interfaces with users will and intelligence helped by interfaces and and frames of keywords; then link, after enough specification. References, text final documents, already existing and published could (far away from here) the last achievement, but they already exist as web's encyclopedias, may be more for specialists.
The work of interactive systems of intelligence for "people who do not necessarily know exactly what they need" (as almost always in complex reality) can pictorially see that present: "leaves of knowledge" needs more sophisticated "trees and branches" before, to access "simply" to most adapted knowledge to the consistent realities of peripheral users. Tree of knowledge as a whole, must be able to grow with plenty of leaves. At first we use intermediate packages.. Multidisciplinary means many registers of application. Users ought to learn to cope better with scientific heuristics or epistemologies with their investigation in this website. For now there are already included many "olicognographic" supports to get into governance. By side of hardware the appropriate software will need to operate enough better with graph algebra and technical queries..
Package 0 only explains frame around of first layers of webpages: left-green/top-black/right-blue. It is not yet functional, just appreciate classificatory categories.
For the time being there is already "enough interesting data and tools in the maze" to start your explorations. More than a two hundred of ideographs-olicognographs. Also more than a hundred in essential epistemology of humanist knowledge. Add some 250 documents on addictions' care and 450 on social and technical infrastructures and more than 500 of opening eyes for complex democratic popular economics.
Package 1: Basic of olicognography
Olicognography is a (visual) grammar with displays, implicit methods and a toolbox to manage concepts, helped by geometric patterns.Today cartesian's reductionism or narrow minded execution have too many flaws and there is a big need to change the paradigms of management of scientific processing. So the intent to reach a higher level of cognitive involvement, there by using visual cognitive capacity as a mean to recruit better mental resources.
We conceived and suggest olicognography for humane sustainable development and have to explain it too; still quite in an esoteric way since it is still not formalized. Olicognography has a wide universal perspective for the management of sciences and essential knowledge; but to be applied in modest humane development. It intents to avoid non democratic reductions as it can happen when prejudging on global social modernity. Physics' reality is objective but humans norms must be identified and interpreted constantly. Olicognography's philosophy seeks network logical frames to articulate multidisciplinarity. Olicognographs are to be considered as "ghostly pattern(s)" of management, able to involve the social arts of societies, cultures and local realistic specifications.
Practice Packages
Packages are registers of visual documents since an introducing text (while pool is organized in a different but wide way). If you want you can skip introducing texts. In the future they may turn just selected published reviews (with the agreement of their author) or could be dynamically built. But they will have to avoid superior geopolitical or social definitions. The project shows that "cultural translations" are welcomed and at best bilingual (english-your idiom).
To go in, but not get lost in the mazes of documents, think that there are like 4 layers of documents. First a layer or "entries" (after package's index). A 2nd layers is composed of ideographs or olicognographs frameworks with the purpose to picture a geometric logic management of key-words concepts. 3rd or 4th layers are graphical documents, tables of data, flowcharts and compacted minimum texts. Consider that one day links will be made to articles of explanation or selected articles made by specialists. Before that achievement knowing what to do, seek, identify main concepts and how to manage your profane own case specific then query in existing search engine, explanations and definitions in the web, like with wikipedia.
Since webpages you have inner links at 1st or 2nd layers and after then they are on the frame around connecting to documents of 2nd, 3rd and 4th layers. Presently, links do with what we have. They still may not be very "appropriated" just determined by the "webmaster", but there are enough of them for a many "humanist epistemological promenades". We hope that in the future links will carry search engines and having detected what you want or calculated will bring you what you correctly need.
Package 2: Addictions Care
Actually alone and multi-disciplinarian we started packages in our present practices. Then developed in our different divers registers of practice of humane sustainable development. But there is already a large diversity of documents and much more, just waiting to be configurated. In this quite clinical package you have documents for policies design, psychological and clinical management Imagine that any register for convenient applications should have at least some 500 webpages of compacted knowledge. Actually there around half of that, for this register. Then it is you work and your intelligence that e cannot pretend to substitute.
Package 3: Social Infrastructures Planning
There the entry to basic information for local planning of infrastructure or its understanding. We provide plenty of graphical material downloaded from the open source web, reframed and included. There are plenty of technical coefficients and unitary costs.
Plenty of material have no proper reference source is called 'nfm' (not from me) if their authorship is not already simply put in their picture. Www makes very easy to retrace them. Indeed we have a philosophy of need to change the way to make references, respecting authors's rights as well as humanity's right not to be barred his humane needs; so this should be debated if you have understood how ridiculous and stupid references are actually. In this small still unprofitable experimental website we just wait for the proper scale to introduce interactively mechanisms to please everyone and common sense of fairness.
Package 4: Complex Democratic Economy
Globalization troubles, failure of neoliberalism or in a wider sense of social sciences and social issues limits make us think we are in times of changes of paradigms, after the first period of world wide information means. Developments of formal methods like logics or mathematics in the way they are used by sciences of human concern have had too received the help of ware but seem to have produced too complication and have impulsed the needs for coping with this very hard complex management or another renewed opportunity to have better care of called complexity. At the moment that the limits of determinism have started to affect the superior management of societies and miscare of equalities, expressed like in limits of modern industrial growth when simultaneouslly major populations are really getting in.
The challenge of this package, a quite impossible contribution, by its intent to "explain" the philosophy of this website and methods. Not to ground just one thesis on how to cope with popular democratic economic, but simultaneously:
- Promote some sort of contextual, local and determinism avoiding, in this universal tool, the language that could give you the illusion that we explain all what you have to do. Always have in mind that 2 on 3 parts of the job is one for share (leading or not) and two for contextual adaptation. Here, you have half of third part for suggestions on how to articulate key concepts and half of third for essential knowledge, you can complete with technical knowledge like a professional handbook.
- Assuming that undeterminism at our suggestive level is for serving democracy but ask you to involve your cognitive and visual senses before lectured or listened arguments, rather than immediately jumping into the dump of the imitation of grimaces of world leaders (in macro-things) and dressing-ups of business finance manipulators (in micro-things)..
- Taking a better care of natural and anthropogenic complexities should make economics more scientific with essential knowledge and suits more suitable to cultures.
- Assuming humans special ethos in anthropogenic praxis, since humane criteria and values should be freely assumed and defined as wanted even if "structurally" somehow needing too to be like from a common pool of humane values, as if making jus cogens intuitive and better adapted to sincere applications.
Packages ... in project
Popular Geography, Natural Disasters management, Human Factors Management, Ecology, Statistics, Epidemiology, Quantification, Regional Development, Industrial Processes, Popular Rights and Duties, Tropical Health, etc.
Tip to get out of the mazes
If you feel lost, look the little square at the upper left corner of pages, it links to the beginning of first packages and to contact page... Nice trips ...
Click on some link of package.
get in through index and within text links
review documents through links on frame around
get back to index of package using upper left corner